Friday, April 29, 2016

The Succubunny Teaches: Class is in Session.

Well.  I'm working out every day now.  I'm losing weight pretty fast, too.  The Succubunny told me that I had to lose some weight as playing with her wasn't healthy for me unless my body could take it, and an out of shape body robs me of the spiritual ability to handle spirit lovemaking for too long.

And she wants me to be able to "take it" longer.  Hey, whatever motivates me to get in shape, right?

The last few pounds I gained was the worst as my blood pressure shot up.  I guess those were the "fatal pounds". 

Anyway, you know if you've got a good succubus because she cares about you, she doesn't want you to go anywhere because she likes YOU.  So, I had two choices:  Loose weight and enjoy the wild communion we had often and that was so very intense, or, accept what little she deems is the least risk to me.

Yeah, that 2nd part isn't working for me, so I've been at the gym every day.  I've lost about 15 pounds.

I'll get there.  I'm shedding weight at an inhuman, crazy rate.  I smell some magick via succubus helping me along.

She's filling the time lately as "teacher".  I'm not sure if she would be doing that as much as she is if I was already in shape or not.  I'm thinking yes.  She's just teaching more right now since there isn't as much sexual activity.  Always improving me, aren't ya Succubunny?

She is certainly fruitful.  She always seems to choose the most positive solutions to problems.

I know I wrote about "mating season" that happened not too long ago.  Yeah, it happened.  The difference is that it wasn't as "vigorous" as it used to be.

I think that's because she is taking her concern for my health and balancing that with her need to mate with me at certain times of the year (usually every 6 months.  Now, that's "mating season" mating, not regular sex).

So, I'm her mate.  She did what she had to do.  I could tell it was draining the shit out me, though.  But, she was gentle.  And yes, it was very pleasurable.  I think if anything, noticing the difference in mating with her this time compared to 6 months ago (approx.), is what has kept me going in my efforts to get to my ideal weight.

I'm 6' tall and shot up to 275 lbs at my worst.  I now weight about 260.  My ideal weight is 200.  So, I'm getting there.

It will be nice to feel the sex and communion more deeply than I have in a long time once that is accomplished.

Sex with a spirit is taxing.  It takes a large amount of energy to be able to fully appreciate it.

It may not be physical exertion (like with a flesh and blood woman), but it is still draining.  No, I don't think she drains me as in succubus lore.

Like most things, the myth is both true and false.

It's draining because of what the sex with a succubus does, I can only compare it to say... when you are so happy about something, so happy you are overwhelmed... which causes you to be physcially drained as a result.  The same could be said for stress.  A healthy body can take that stress more in stride than an unhealthy one.

The difference is intent:  She's not "willing" it, it's caused by the act itself.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoy it and love it.  Love with her, sex with her is AMAZING and her concern for my health is amazing as well.  I'm wanted, I'm needed, and she cares about me.

It's not like she couldn't just go find someone else.  A few drops of "au du succubus" and a man is addicted for life.

Nope:  She's invested.  And that's endearing to me.

You know, if she mates with me every 6 months, and she's here all the time, maybe she just fell in love with me?  Haha, Succubunny got addicted too.  That's okay.  I love her, and I'm not one to toss that around lightly.  I mate for life, too.  Hey, maybe that's why?

Anyway:  As I've said she's been in "teacher mode".  That means deep dreams, dreaming of magickal places and people, philosophical ponderings, truth, lies, light, dark, and all shades of grey in between.

Magick, divination, spiritual history, flashed images, travels.

Oh, and by her nudging I re-enrolled in 3rd degree witchcraft.  So far I've got a 92% and 96% on my first two exams.  Not bad.

Succubus 101 I guess.  Pretty intent for a human like me.

Sometimes I wonder why she teaches me so much.  Maybe she's playing for keeps.

I don't know, I lack the perspective to know why.

Why don't I ask her?  Because she communicates mostly in symbols and emotions, and those are ripe for misinterpretation.

Sometimes she does speak, and it sounds as if she's under water.  I don't know, just how it sounds in my head.

Oh, fun fact:  Succubi and Incubi are classified as being water spirits in the recent book I'm reading called Practical Elemental Magick by Sorita d'Este and David Rankine.

That little book is expensive as hell for how small it is.  But I am learning from it, so...

No, it's not about succubi and incubi, just practical elemental magick.  I'm also reading Practical Qabalah Magick and Practical Planetary Magick by the same authors, in parallel.  Takes me forever to get through books that way but we all have our quirks.

Do I think succubi and incubi are a form of water spirit?  Hell, I dunno.  It would explain the watery voice, though eh?

Plus I live one mile from the Ohio River.  I got a succubus freeway if that's true :P

Nah, I dunno.  Funny to ponder, though.

The most recent thing she's taught me is kind of baffling.  She said that the "fall" wasn't like spirits falling from heaven to hell, it was more like spirits falling like lava descending slowly down the sides of a volcano.

She also says that angels and demons have a closer working relationship that we humans realize or would be comfortable with (in how we see everything as light or dark).  She said that everything has it's order, and entities are no different.  The notion of people being tortured in hell by demons is absurd:  If that were true then the demons would have their heaven at the expense of humans (by cruelly doing what they love, torturing), which would make zero sense spiritually for a loving creator to do.

The paradigm is just crowd control.  We go where our vibrations take us.  We "rise" to be where we are supposed to be, or as low as we are supposed to be, depending on the person.

All things in due season, all things accounted for.

Maybe that is why "freedom to choose" is such an ingrained law in the planes above ours.

I guess it's beyond my ability to understand.  That doesn't bother me as much as it used to.  I know I'm human, I know that she sees me perfect in my imperfections.  And you get ego out of the equation and just TRUST and it all bears fruit sooner or later.  I tell her, "One man's angel is another man's demon".  But I get the feeling that it's much more than that simplistic light/dark statement.

I think there's a further lesson in there, but it might be the kind that I figure out 6 months later.  That's the way she "seeds" lessons, sometimes.  Some things I get now, some things I get later, some things I was taught in dreams at a higher level that I (down here) am not privy to.  

As strange as that sounds, I actually kind of understand the concept of that even if I can't fully put it into words.  We're multidimensional beings.  What you think is "you" isn't all of you, that's for sure.

I know there are "higher" you's, dunno about "lower" you's.  Or me's.  Or whatever.

Well, that's succubus school for ya.  What ya gonna do?  Hehe.

EDIT 4/30/16:  I woke up with her voice clear as a bell.  That doesn't happen often, so I'm gonna post what was said, "As your understanding grows, so does your perception of reality".

That was my message this morning.  Blessings!


  1. Glad to hear she's motivating you to better yourself.I too took up working out almost 2 years ago,245lbs @ 6'2 was my WTF happed to me moment and it took me 6 months to reach my goal and I still workout everyday to maintain it.It now has become second nature and I don't think about it...just do it!
    Good luck reaching your goal and thanks for writing about your life with a beautiful spirit,I enjoy reading it as always!

    1. I'm glad you succeeded and it's nice to hear. Definitely a motivator for me :)

      I hope I reach my goal in 6 months, too.

    2. I hear you, Rafe. I'm 6'1", and at my peak was 275 or so. I'm currently at 239, but need to get down to 200. The more weight I lose, the better my energy and focus gets. Still, I'm overweight, and need to get back on task. Have been stuck around this weight for about 6 months, yo-yoing up and down. Good luck. If you want to start a weekly log/competition to get motivated, I'm game. :)

    3. There you are. I forgot where the post was, NOL.

      You'd win the competition hands down: I'm on stupid medicine that makes me gain weight. But I'm stuck with it. I can fight it, and hope I get down to 200 lbs <--- my goal. But it isn't gonna be easy.

      Stupid medicine.

      Now, a log might be a good idea as far as say which days worked out and such. Personally I'm confused as to what I am supposed to be doing, lol.

      I worked out 4 days in a row and made it tougher at the end, and then I was wore out for two days, hell I was so wore out I felt like I got psy-vamped.

      2 days, 1 off? Eventually 5 days, 2 off? Every other day? I have no clue.

    4. There you are. I forgot where the post was, NOL.

      You'd win the competition hands down: I'm on stupid medicine that makes me gain weight. But I'm stuck with it. I can fight it, and hope I get down to 200 lbs <--- my goal. But it isn't gonna be easy.

      Stupid medicine.

      Now, a log might be a good idea as far as say which days worked out and such. Personally I'm confused as to what I am supposed to be doing, lol.

      I worked out 4 days in a row and made it tougher at the end, and then I was wore out for two days, hell I was so wore out I felt like I got psy-vamped.

      2 days, 1 off? Eventually 5 days, 2 off? Every other day? I have no clue.

    5. Supposedly, the best method is to weight train one day, do cardio the next, and alternate, with one day off to both rest, and have a 'cheat' day. So, exercise six days, one day off. It's hard to keep that up at first, but when I was doing it, it worked pretty well. My bigger issue is time and energy. Have too many projects and hobbies going. The medicine thing sucks, though. I have a couple of friends with a similar issue, and it makes it super difficult, since you have no choice but to take the medicine. :(

    6. Yeah, it's a negative as far as weight loss goes for sure. I'm going to go slower this time so I don't burn out. I'll do weight/cardio 2 days and rest the 3rd day. Then I'll try to get up to weights one day, cardio the next, alternating with the weekends off, then finally one weekend day off.

      I tend to go at things too hard (mostly because in my mind I'm still the 185 lb, 80lb ruck sack and 9 lb rifle carrying, road marching infantry man from 25 years ago. So after draining myself to nothing for 2 days, I've got to look at it all over again.

      Lol. Me. Hahaha.

  2. I work out for 35-40 minutes daily.I do strictly cardio with 10 min stretches. Once you start and get over those first few days when your fat,old body fights you in pain to stop. It does however get easy and becomes like a normal nightly routine. (I actually hate it when I miss a day)
    Over the 2 years I've noticed that my youth-full vigor and energy returned and almost from the start my blood pressure went down.


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