Monday, April 1, 2019

My Soulmate

Soulmates generally aren't here.  They're "there".  One of a pair are sent to Earthversity TM to suffer and learn.

Unfortunately, our soulmates only help us behind the scenes.

They usually aren't allowed to interfere by coming here (except the ultra rare double incarnation of both soulmates to Earth).

Oh, but when they can interfere they damn sure do with power.

Picture me, destroyed after a divorce and the loss of my kids.  I was ready to end things and not only had I a plan to do so, but I was ready to carry out the plan.

Moments to go, and a being RIPS into reality 10 foot away from me.

I'm stunned.  Can't move, can't think, can't talk, can't do anything.  Stunned off my ass.

"No, Rafe, no!!!"  There she was, a being of such light, love, and raw power that I to this day call her an angel (the angel lady actually).  But also in those 3 words I could detect more than what I should have been able to.

I knew her.  I didn't remember her... but she seemed familiar to me.  Completely familiar.

That doesn't make a lot of sense, and nor should it.  It is what it is.

All that power, might, love, majesty, tenderness, concern.

From calling her my angel lady, whom I've never heard from again beyond that brief rip into reality, I've since realized that she was quite something else:  My soulmate.  The one I left behind.

It must be difficult to let your soulmate go to this world alone, afraid, and to see all the pain they go through all alone.  I think it was nice that my soulmate was given permission to save my life.

How many others aren't so lucky?  Most.  Too many.

As I have said, from seeing her for those few seconds and nothing since... it's been about 10 years.  Nor do I expect to while here living on Earth.

I often wonder what it will feel like to go back home.  To finally be with her once more.

Here there is friction in order to teach us.  To teach the imperfections to us.  Human love is something that leaves a bit to be desired.  Most relationships are train wrecks waiting to happen.  Even the best ones are tumultuous.  I find spirit lovers better, but they are still a handful... nothing is perfect.

One great lesson that we must learn here is that we ARE love.  We can radiate it around us, from us to others.  Love is not something we must seize, must take, must conquer.

We learn this through great trial and tribulation.  Friction.  Anguish.

There are many other reasons, lessons, and events we come for, but who's to know what or which?

We knew them before we came, yet here we are clueless as it was charted out.  Yet... all according to plan I think.

NOTHING is like being united with one's soulmate.  It is PERFECT.

There, there is only union, completeness, love and bliss.

We cannot evolve in that state very far.  We need friction in order to evolve, to advance.

Although it seems cruel to those of us who come here, I get the idea that we couldn't learn jack shit while in a state of bliss.  And there will be a time when we will be the "angel man" waiting for our soulmate to graduate ShitUniversity and Earthversity TM.

There's a shitload of Soulmates up there watching and rooting for their soulmates down here.

As we change, so do they in keeping with the idea of us being absolute and ineffable matches for one another.  There in lies a mystery.

I like to think that mine knows I'll be coming home soon and is dreaming of me.  I also bet that when I get home it will be a long damn time before either of us has to come back.  And I'll be soaking up every second of it with her as we both are united with one another once more.

May she sleep sweet.


Rafe GB.


  1. I'm kinda smirking myself to see this is posted on 1st April lol.

    1. Would be an epic april fools post. But I wouldn't do that to people. What I posted is what I've come to believe thus far.

    2. Gotta make it clear since this blogpost sounds different lol. Who knows some people have different idea.

      Still is a meaningful read.

  2. I still laugh at the idea of eternal bliss. I once told my ladies that such a state creates laziness and weakness. Comfort is an enemy of the self. Plain, suffering and struggle, that's life and life has a lot of it to give. My dumb ass was the one who decided to come here, so I'm either smart or stupid enough to be sold on this idea of human life.

    1. Depends on what you describe as bliss - if its means idea of sloth, laze around doing nothing all the time, then yes its a bad thing.

      Eternal bliss state in my understanding means a state of safety and peace, where there is no threat, no nasty though, and nothing to be feared of.

      I have to disagree if you put that enjoying the moment is form of laziness, like enjoying our moment with our lady. Appreciating the moment is not a form of laziness and weakness.

    2. I use the dictionary description of bliss:

      perfect happiness; great joy.
      "she gave a sigh of bliss"
      synonyms: joy, pleasure, delight, happiness, gladness, ecstasy, elation, rapture, euphoria, heaven, paradise, seventh heaven, cloud nine, utopia, Eden, Arcadia

      That's more the eternal aspect and far the hell away from here. Yes, I've had blissful moments... read: MOMENTS with my succubus from time to time, but earth is earth and we are in what we are choosing to experience.

      I once told myself that I'd throat punch the first motherfucker I saw after I died who sent me here. As I age I become more conscious of the fact that it was I.

  3. Safety and Peace sounds kind of impossible. Just as impossible and unrealistic as humans coming all together to coexist without conflict. Only way to keep each other from being at each others throats is with agreements signed off on papers, trading goods and fear of War, because no one wants to loss progress or their whole country being attacked. I just don't see peace possible. I'll believe it when I see it.

  4. I don't want to ruin things for you or come off as overly negative, but to be completely honest, the way this is written sounds sort of like a cosmic horror story when I think about it.

    The idea that I am here to "learn and experience" makes it seem as though all of my memories and experiences as well as my personality, beliefs, and consciousness will all be blended into a mix with God only knows how many past lives. In that sense, my very being as an individual will simply cease to exist because I will be consumed into the mixture of all my previous lives, creating a sort of amalgamate of countless different people; thus making it impossible for me as an individual to exist as myself due to the interference of all the past lives and memories.

    As for the matter of the soulmate, what of people who find genuine love in this world and wish to stay together for eternity? Are they forced apart and sent to their respective soul mates or do they have the choice to stay together as they were in life? This doesn't effect me personally as I'll never find love, but I still feel it's wrong to force a happy couple apart.

    I'm really hoping this is just me severely misunderstanding things, but it still worries me a great deal. Sorry if this bothers you at all, but I just felt the need to say my two cents.

    1. Very good comments. I'm personally torn between two models of the afterlife: The Hans Wilhelm model and the Sweedenborg model.

      Not only that, but when my ex mother in law died recently, the person who could see spirits saw her with her husband who died earlier in the timeline of years ago.

      However compared to this, I myself have seen my soulmate albeit only for a few seconds years ago.

      When the couple (my ex mother and father in law) were seen, they were described as perfectly happy.

      Maybe that's the key here? Maybe soulmates are less rare incarnating on earth that I'm led to believe...

      As far as who we are I believe that it is a theory that suffers from two weaknesses of we mortals: Space, and time.

      Or perhaps that would be timelessness.

      I think of my higher self as a body of water that is piped into a house and is behind a valve to a faucet. I'm the water being metered out of a faucet.

      When I die I believe that the valve and faucet are broken in a way where I suddenly become the large body of water that was metered off and diminished in order to be in this world.

      That is just a poor example of course, but it part of my attempt to explain the difference between "me" and the greater "me".

      The Sweedenborg model only allows for one life here, while the Hans Wilhelm model allows for multiple reincarnations (which I don't like the idea of).

      Perhaps these conflicting theories are not so much conflicting, but are guilty of a lack of perception.

      For instance, in a timeless universe beyond the veil multiple incarnations could be completed sequentially, but to the higher self they would be completed "all at once".

      I don't pretend to have all the answers as I am always adjusting my world view to a model that I can swallow.

      Having only one life incarnated on earth, for example, appeals to me very much vs. the idea of reincarnation over and over ad infinitum.

      The idea that we have one soulmate whether left behind or incarnated with us that we would naturally want to spend eternity with also appeals more to my sensibilities.

      However, I will still strive to compare and contrast theories until I feel comfortable with all of it. If that's even possible.

      I always enjoy discourse as I learn from it as well. Theories unchallenged are nothing.

  5. I hope it's just a one life thing as well. As far as I'm concerned, my identity is the only thing that can't be taken from me. My money and belongings may be stolen, my life may be taken, but my identity and who I am cannot be taken from me. The idea that it could be taken from me after death is pretty much my greatest fear.

    While I have serious doubts that I could manage a romantic relationship, I have to admit that the idea of a soul mate does sound appealing. The idea that they could be peering down and checking on me at any moment is a bit disconcerting though. Unconditional love or no, I do like my privacy so it worries me a bit that someone could be watching me during my most private moments.

    BTW ShitUniversity is the most accurate term I've ever heard for describing Earth. I swear I've seen so much dumb shit happen that sometimes, I just want to punch everyone in the face.


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