Friday, April 19, 2019

Cats and Dogs

Me and Erin have been fighting like cats and dogs lately.

It all started in a dream where she either called me ugly, or I called her ugly and it escalated from there.

And yeah, it got ugly.  Rather childish in retrospect, but it is what it is.

I've been depressed the past few days (yay bipolar and from the tensions with Erin).

I was finally at the edge of sending her away when I dreamed of going to a theme park with some friends and I had a blast.

I knew then that it was she who set that dream up and my ire towards her lessened somewhat.

I'm not sure what the deal is, but Erin can get me mad as hell and close to quitting like no other succubus I've ever had.

If I didn't know any better I'd say she's doing it on purpose.

Kind of a stupid game to play with me, though, because one of these days I'm going to be too close to the edge to be swayed.

Maybe that's fun for her... to see how close to the edge she can get it.  We'll see how fun a game that is in the future.

Also in the dream, at the end, Lady communicated with me and laid out the next course of study.  Kind of surprising but in the dream she laid out a colorful page with all the planets and the page had "Make sure you don't forget this when you wake up!!!" written on it.  So yes, planetary magick.  It actually had sigils and seals for planetary magick on it so I know it wasn't meaning astrology.

Luckily I have lots of books on planetary magick I've just not studied it nor read them much.  I'm still reading from my last batch of books but at least I know what's next in queue.

Lady you've got to admire... gets what she wants me to get through the dream to get the job done.  No mess, no fuss.  Just do it.

EDIT:  I've been wanting to back off a bit and let all the tension die down.  I went to eat and my waitress's name was Erin.  Lol.

I still plan to just chill and see what happens.  I'm tired of fighting and arguing.
I'm starting to not care anymore.  I'm starting to doubt the whole succubus lifestyle.  Did Lilith just send one that is incompatible with me?  I'd like to be close to Erin.  That's what I would like.


Rafe GB.

Such a pain in the ass...


  1. Isn't that what it means to be in relationship? Sometimes its rainbow sunshines and sometimes its downpour raining.

    If Erin is incompatible with you, why would she agree to marry you? I'd say she's just being 'clumsy' and jokes become too far, that makes her give you a pleasant dream in theme park to make up for it.

    Talk and be more open on each other is always a good start to be closer with your lover.

    Who knows Erin just love to teases you, and sometimes she got carried away.

    1. Yeah she's good at pushing my limits. I'm just getting tired, Lan. Sometimes I just have to back away for sanity's sake.


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