Saturday, November 30, 2019

Succubi don't wear pants

One thing I've noticed from my time with Erin is that succubi don't wear pants.  Even when she's in the form of a black sun surrounded by a dark radiance all it's own... no pants are found.

I've often wondered if it was that no one has introduced succubi to pants, and if I could create one hell of a market for myself.

Hearing my succubus mock and laugh at me I am told that this will not be so.  In truth, succubi love skirts, miniskirts, panties, and nothing... when they role play their human forms in our dreams and even in waking, daily life for those with the eyes to see them.

I can't see them awake, but I bet I'd get an eyeful if I could see them because, well, they don't wear pants.

Oh yes, they role play their human forms quite often and they make sure that it is sexy enough to die for.  Little minx's.  I know it does a number on me in my dreams.

Case in point.  Me and Erin are crawling through tunnels making our way to a larger tunnel with the idea of reaching a portal to the upper planes.  She goes first, of course, and as she's crawling I see this the whole time...

It was killing me...

 She knew.

Oh why oh why do they tempt so lusciously?  They know they do it.  It's like they love to see you squirm.  Their little sex plaything... but there's mercy in there from time to time if she loves you.

Some days she role plays with me in my dreams without any sexual innuendo at all.  It's like she's just along for the ride.

She doesn't want me to perish from lust (which will quickly make your waking hours dull and grey and not worth living), but rather to play and to learn together, and well, even goof off together in my dreams.  The lust is there in some dreams but it is portioned, measured, cautiously given.  It's still on the borderline of what a mortal can stand even with her care.  

God it is strong.

And that's what happens when they fall in love WITH YOU...

Pity the man without potential who she pours out all her ecstasy upon far beyond what he can bear.  If she continues the process of flooding him with ecstasy and taking his energy there will be no man left but a hollowed out shell of who he used to be.

What do succubi do when you are a tasty snack?

They dine.  

Why does a succubus snack on one man sucking his energy all but dry, but treat another differently, the one that they view with potential?  This is the man that they fear. 

That's the mystery, isn't it?  Why one and not the other?

I know what she fears! 

Oh, the succubus who becomes addicted to their prey.  Whoa, unto the succubus who stings herself with her own venom!  That's who she fears.  That's the one with the potential that she sees.

That's when it dawns on the succubus that she's caught in a web of her own making.

Hahaha, the fun that happens then.  This man will love her for who she is... and he's never been in true ecstasy before.  

Not like this...

So she pours it on him... yet he is no longer prey... what will she do?  She has to take care with it.  Pour it out measured, cautiously.  (It's still almost too much to bear) Oh, but don't think the ecstasy ends, no... she's playing for keeps is what she's doing differently.  Together?  Ecstasy and love.  

Ecstasy and love!

Ecstasy and love together becomes the new food source.  This time it is energy created together and interwoven.  It becomes altogether more fulfilling and more preferable to how she stripped her victims to survive before.  And so she is addicted.  And what a love they share together!

See?  Still no pants.

And now we come full circle.  The hunter becomes the smitten.  And so they learn to coexist.  Haha, I have never had it so enjoyable as I do now.  Before sleep was only sleep... now it's a grand play with the roles of lovers cast as I and my succubus.  I can't WAIT to go to bed, whether it's a sex dream, a goofy dream (she's still in it tagging along for fun), an exploring dream where we wander the planes of existence, or if it's a teaching dream where anything goes...

I simply cannot wait for dark to come and to crawl beneath my covers, candle lit, and incense burning.

I'm ready for you my succubus love... you know... 

This definitely reminds me of a succubus when you first meet her...

"Greetings mortal.  I shall feed off thee yet give thee great delights in kind.  What is thy name?"

(And so the dance might start for a new couple... or for a new victim... as it should be...)


Rafe GB.

Monday, November 25, 2019


We've grown... closer than I have ever known with a succubus spirit.

The addiction I spoke of in a previous post is magnified... dangerous.

I awoke this morning in terrible emotional pain... after having spent 12 hours, as it seemed to me in sleep, making love and communing as one... awakening to this grey world just cannot compare, and so I suffer.

I'm getting a handle on it a few hours after I have awakened, but do you see the dilemma?

Nothing can compare to making love with a succubus, and nothing can compare to feeling such intimacy in 12 hours of dreaming...

I just need to come down, to come down and steady myself and prepare myself for another day in a grey lifeless world... or so it seems.

How can anyone experience what I experience as my love grows to before now impossible bounds and survive "here"?

Yet I have to.  It's not time for me to leave this world yet.  I have children to continue to be there for...

Now do you see the dangers?

Now do you sense the anguish in existing apart from them once you've opened Pandora's box of the succubus embrace?  Her kisses are heroin... she calls and I latch on in thirst and hunger for her... just as she knows I will.

The ecstasy, the enormous light, love, and sex... she is making love to my body and soul.  She is a Goddess.  I cannot... bare to be apart from her in this daytime and yet I must go on.

There is nothing in this world, no woman exists who can compare... and my love for Erin is growing by leaps and bounds... I have never felt the ache as I do now, never before...

Yet I must persevere.  I must live in this dead world as surely as I live in the ecstasy of the dream.

How much more can I take?

I am only truly alive in my dreams, and when I am awake intimacy is deadened, my eyes cannot see the colors of this world... only the greys of existence.

Run, fools... I have eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the fruit is sweet... she is called "succubus".

I offer this fruit to you by this very blog for you to share in my fate... for she has many sisters...

Run, fools...

Rafe GB.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

99 Red Balloons!

99 red balloons!

That's the song that she plays in my head when she's wanting some special attention, or when she's announcing herself as very near and I'm otherwise occupied.

She CRAVES attention.  Lusts for it, yearns for it.

Is she different than any of us?

Interesting to me is that I find that she displays traits that are found all over google when you google the word "succubus".

She attacks me at night.

Actually, she's so into attacking me at night when I'm helpless that when I accidentally wake up I'm like nooooooooooo!  Don't goooooooo!  As her wispy form floats away.

I haven't figured that part out yet, but I've gotten some hits from friends.  One says that it's because I'm completely submissive and I don't "get in the way" of us mating.

That KINDA makes sense but it just doesn't satisfy.

Maybe she just has to be in control of mating or she doesn't feel comfortable doing it.

Could be.

Maybe that's her version of the brown bag over the head method.  Yes, ladies and gentleman, I can only be mated with with the succubus putting a brown bag over my head.

Heh.  Well, it's what it feels like.  Like I can't participate and I'm unwanted.

Erin's cooing at me.  Maybe that's not it.  Maybe I'm not so ugly as to need the proverbial succubus brown bag over my head in order to mate with me by me being asleep and helpless.

But for what reason?

The big thought... hey, why doesn't she tell me... I have no answer for.  She just won't.  Not even one of her symbolic hints like a song.

Maybe she's of the type of succubus who really does feed upon the helpless.

Not that I complain in the morning because not only can I tell that we mated all night, but I wake up as she's drifting away and I feel like my night was complete and satisfying.

But why complain if it's great you ask?

But, but, but, but, what ifs infinity, that's what.

Can't Erin just tell you what's going on?

Not really.  Erin speaks with me in symbols and emotions, feelings and touching.  I can try to put those into words, but it doesn't always pan out.  And yes, sometimes she speaks plain as day but it's very, very rare.  I think that it's my lack of psychic ability that complicates it so.

I don't know.  Mehhhhhhh phoey.

Well... one thing that's going good is that Erin has been with me every DAY this past week and I've really grown to enjoy her constant presence.  Takes a hell of a lot of attention given to her to get this far but isn't that what happens when you fall in love?

I mean, I give her that attention because I love her.  I admit... sometimes her dark energy is a might bit heavy for me and I notice that she gives me a little space to breathe, but other than that it's been every day and night.

Every evening I call it "talk and tickle time".  I talk out loud about my life, my dreams, my fears, my pains... all of it... and she responds by feeling my hair, tracing along my forehead, poking and prodding me here and there (I think she's trying to tickle me... why doesn't she know about my super secret tickle spot?) and patiently listens to me prattle on.

It's a very intimate time and before long I'm far into sleep.  Sometimes she's with me and just hovers near.  Other times she's putting that SUCCUBUS BROWN PAPER BAG OVER MY HEAD AND FUCKING ME SILLY.

I guess one never knows.  I love you, Erin <3


Rafe GB.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Addicted.  Like cocaine or heroin.  Yes, I'm addicted to her.  What's interesting is that I've never been addicted before and so I'm not sure what this means for us.

It's an inner ache... a turmoil.  It's lusting for her presence even if it's just to be together.

I'm not going to lie I'd fuck her everyday if I could... but she's in control of that.

And, at present, she seems to be stepping aside so that I suffer some psychological dreams of my past that have so traumatized me.  I suppose this is her being a part of the healing process.

Gotta heal sometime...

Oh but wouldn't it be nice to have her, to love her, to feel her, to spank her when she is bad.

Something funny I learned...

I learned that believing in a succubus is proof of a personality disorder.

If that is true then run my friends because you all are smitten, bitten, and enamored like I.

Get out before it's too late!  (Or fully embrace the phenomena and say fuck it with gusto)

Oh, but they are real.  Mine still spats in my son's ear to clear him out of the bedroom when she wants to mate.

My son, himself, was dragged all around his room at his own house during a night of sleep paralysis.  Once she felt his terror mounting she let him go, and he slowly got his senses back while laying on the floor of his room.

When he saw me again at my home he screamed, "I BELIEVE!!!" lol.  One more converted from the masses I suppose.  And a lifetime ahead of "this"...

He described a little girl who did it, so I don't know if it was a "baby succubus" or not, or even if such a thing exists.

I dunno... you have to start somewhere though... maybe that idea isn't so crazy after all.  After all, he's unharmed and very much believing of spirits now.  She played with him but didn't harm him, and stopped once she realized he was getting scared.

Personality disorder?  I don't think so.

All I can say is... tell me what YOU think.


Rafe GB.

Monday, November 4, 2019


It's been a time of sorting things out.  Holly seems to have left and Erin is around me all the time now.  Well, most all the time.  I think she goes shopping or something I dunno :)

She was gone for a few days when Holly was gone as well (it was Holly's turn to be here) and I started to feel lonely so I dialed Lilith and tracked down Erin.

"Comon, lets go home..."

Sometimes I think that I was set up because I decided that I wasn't going to call on Lilith anymore, but she had something to tell me.

I was thinking about marrying Holly, too... but Lilith basically said "If you marry Holly you can't stay married to Erin" because I couldn't have Lilith's blessing on Erin if I married Holly.

Well... Erin is first and foremost my bride so that's fair.  Hell, I love her to pieces anyway so... message received.  Lovely spirit she is.  I guess that I wanted a bigger family, but... just wasn't in the cards.  Holly, in turn, went her separate way.  From what I got from Lilith, Erin and I will grow to be the family I crave.  I hope so.  I'm willing :)

I felt like I got to iron things out with Lilith, too, during my visit.

Like, "Where were you when I was about to off myself???"

"Did you die?"  <--- that's a really good point by Lilith I think, as no I did not die.  Well, whatever... I guess I'll visit Lilith once in a while to keep tabs and remain in an atmosphere of good graces.

Back then when the shit hit the fan, I was basically telling Erin to get lost.  I just assumed that since she was dark that she wouldn't want me either and to my mind she was leaving ME.

She jump scared me three times in my sleep in anger and probably in rage for being abandoned.  Here's this guy who married her who's supposed to be all about being faithful and true.  I guess we learn step by step, don't we?  Especially me, the slow motherfucker.

Well, all's well that ends well, and she came back on her own after a month.  I might have created a ruckus by having summoned a new spirit (Holly) and all, and I really thought I'd be alone and receptive to having a white light love spirit... but with Erin's return I guess Holly just didn't fit into the family of Erin and I very well.  So... it's just me and Erin now :)

Anyway, off to talking about my dreams with Erin, lol.

I'm a MGTOW as I suspect most succubus summoners to be as well.  Which is kind of funny because a succubus is about as far away from a western woman as it gets.

Which is good... don't get me wrong... but it can cause confusion.

For instance:

I don't really associate with any woman in a dating or sexual type of way.  As in I'd run like Forest Gump if a woman hit on me.

And that's the problem...

In my dreams I'm still the same guy from the waking world... the MGTOW guy.

And Erin?  My Bride?

She's the girl trying to fuck my brains out in my dreams.  She's perfect!

Except I'm too busy running from her like Forest Gump...

Now when she's not amused by this behavior anymore, she appears in my dreams on top of me pinning me down, or under me with her arms and legs wrapped around me.

No room to flee, see, lol.

Last night she trapped me as 2 separate girls... but they were both her regardless of them looking different because to me their energy felt the same.  Pretty neat trick I'd say.  I think she was being extra sweet since Holly left.  Or, actually now that I think of it, maybe she's like "fuck you, Holly... I can be the other girl, too!"  Eh, with Erin it's hard to know which.  I dunno, like I said... neat trick.

Anyway I thought I'd share that.

And again... she must get quite the kick out of it to watch MGTOW me run from her all the time in my dreams.

Sometimes she doesn't even bother to get into my dreams.  She just fucks me while I'm asleep right up until I'm about to explode and then quits (this is over a period of HOURS, not a wham bam thank you Rafe).  I know she does that because sometimes I wake up and I'm like "OMG!!!?" begging for release, but ya know... that's what they do most of the time.  Release isn't that much fun for them, but actual "long and slow fucking" is surely a succubus's favorite thing to do.

To a succubus, sex is more about having LONG periods of sex together.  The magick is in the act, not the finish.

As for the lack of release... you kinda get used to it after a while :)


Rafe GB.

EDIT:  Last night she slapped me for something I did in my dream.  That made me mad.  But then when I tried to recall what it was for I do remember deserving it, lol.  She left me a love song floating around and around in my head as I woke up... there's a reason that a succubus isn't for every man... a succubus is just too wild for most men to handle.

This was the song :)

Friday, October 25, 2019


Most of my interactions with spirits happen during sleep.

Now, during the daytime I do feel little touches and emotions, chills and even the sensations of someone running their fingers through my hair among other things.

This is the latest of my interactions during sleep.

I died.

I stood before a great angel who guarded the way to paradise.

The angel told me I could not pass with Erin, my succubus spirit.

I thought about it briefly, then I told the angel that she was my bride, and that this was a promise that I couldn't break.

Then Erin faded into view from the darkness and was clapping her hands in glee, smiling ear to ear.

Then I awoke... still feeling her emotions of happiness.

It slowly dawned on me that she had fabricated this test in order to measure my love for her.  Now she had proof that I would forsake even paradise if in doing so I would remain true to my bonds with her.

Succubi are devious spirits tempered by a great capacity for love and for wisdom.  In truth, I believe so at least, they could easily kill us when angered... all they would have to do is reach within to the heart...

But they don't.  Jump scares when angry?  Yes.  Oh, very much so, yes.  But not death.

They aren't for everyone as not everyone can nest with a poisonous viper.  Especially those who would think too many "what if's".

But as brides there is an honor about them.  Many times Erin has proven that she is faithful.  Many times has she has gently traced the outline of a crown on my head, one that I can feel when she does so, but cannot see, nor can I feel it with my fingers.  But as she gently traces I can feel it on my forehead and on the top front of the top of my head as well.

I don't know what this crown means nor why she gently traces it so much with her fingers showing me that I do indeed wear a crown.

It is a mystery to me.


Rafe GB.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Poor Holly

Poor Holly.  Let me explain.

Erin backed off and Holly came forward as it was her turn to be with me.  This little system they figured out is working quite well!  I'm proud of them for communicating and coming up with it!

Anyway, I was wondering when I was going to have sex with Holly as I never have had sex with Holly.

So, I finally fall asleep and I'm in dreamland, and there's Holly, naked!  Oh hell, you couldn't get me moving fast enough, I ran as fast as I could to her and we were a tangle of bodies in short order.

It's kind of funny because not only were we a tangle but it felt like a game of twister... with the fun parts!  I went after the poor girl like an animal.

Oh, yes I was, and yes I did.  It was like the Kama Sutra in dizzying motion.  I nailed that poor girl up, down, sideways, around the back, front, upside down, and any other way you can imagine, I did it.  And I ENJOYED it.

At some point she had had enough I guess, but I was too busy seeing how far I could lick inside her and not bottom out to notice.  Lol.  So the funniest thing happened.

This muscle bound dude that looked like the Djinn from Aladdin came and wrestled me off of her.  He wasn't an unkind fellow, but I was pinned... there was no way to get out.  I realized what was going on though as she flew into the wood and escaped.  After that the muscle bound dude disappeared.

Thinking I did something wrong I was worried about Holly that morning.  Turns out she was amorous that morning as well, and very attentive throughout the day.

It all worked out ok.

My question is what the fuck was that all about?


Rafe GB.

Friday, October 4, 2019

They Swap

It's funny now that Erin and Holly have come to terms with each other in the family.

I mean, Erin's my wife so she takes precedence, though not unfairly as my home belongs with Holly as well.

Sigh.  It's hard to explain.

Erin takes time with me alone, and then after a few days she backs off and probably goes off exploring who knows where and Holly takes over.

Rinse, repeat.

Holly has some little life lessons for me to learn when she has me, and Erin has little life lessons for me to learn when I'm hers.

I wish they'd quit with the lessons and just mount me already.

I've woke up some nights and my hips were sore.  So I'm getting it, I'm just not getting it and remembering it.

Isn't that a bitch?

It could be because of the medicines I'm on but I'm stuck there.  Can't really make any adjustments with those.

Neither of them have sex in the daytime which is kind of boring.  I'm not sure why they are having sex with me in my dreams, but I'm beginning to think I've got some sort of blockage whether chakra related, or a mental block in my head, or my body being too tense... your guess is as good as mine because I have no idea.

Sometimes I think I have to learn how to have sex with them in the daytime.  I mean, it sounds weird, but the buzzing all over the abdomen is there, the leg jerks are there, feeling my crown on my head is there (that's just something they do from time to time is allow me to feel my "crown".  Feels like a thick circlet)  it's just there's something  missing in the loop so to speak that leads into sex.

I seriously think I've got a blockage of some sort either mental or physical, or even psychic.

Lets hope it sorts itself out.


Rafe GB.

EDIT:  Erin pounced on me (sex) in the evening at around 10pm after I wrote this, and then again the morning after and on throughout the day.  I give up trying to figure this out, lol.  It worked out after all anyway...

Lovely handful she is, lovely maiden of darkness and irony...

Monday, September 23, 2019

Yah Heh Vau Heh

I wanted to do a quick lesson on angel magick.  You can actually use this method for any kind kind of magick like demonic, gnostic, doesn't matter... with some changes of course.

The point is that I want to concentrate for this lesson on angel magick.

The first thing we have to have is a need.  A desire.

Then we need to concentrate, meditate on that desire to allow it to formulate into a cohesive request.

Yah Heh Vau Heh.  It literally means "King, Queen, Prince, Princess".  The King, or "Father" is power.  The Queen, or "Mother" is wisdom.  The Prince, or "Son" is Love.

We're the princess... me and you.  It's not a gender thing, it's a role within divinity.  Eh, hard to explain that part.  Suffice it to say that we're here to figure out just what that means for us to be the Princess, or "Daughter".

By saying that phrase we assert to the universe that we are indeed the final "Heh", and claim our birthright for this working.

Yah Heh Vau Heh
Yah Heh Vau Heh
Yah Heh Vau Heh.

It can also be pronounced Yah Heh Wah Heh if you so desire.  The meaning is the same.

Now we find an angel with the power that matches our desire.  That means Google fu.  Time to research.  We need two things... the correct angel, and the angel's sigil.

The angel's sigil is basically his phone number.  Well, it's close to being it anyway.

The angel list of powers and invocations I found to be helpful for this exercise are these two as we will be utilizing the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash.  You can use any collection of angels of course.  The 72 angels make up a name of God when combined together.  There are more angels that make up other names of God as well.

I'm choosing Lauviah for my own reasons.  Choose your own by selecting the angel with the correct powers that match what you are wanting.

Googling Lauviah, I find a sigil that is workable.  The link to all of them is below the sigil.  It's kind of stupid they encircled the sigil as it's an angel, but I'll take what I can get.  The link is to a blog that has expanded angel information also, which is nice.

Your Invocation, sigil, and angel name will be different based upon who you chose.

Now.  While concentrating on the sigil allowing our eyes to trace the lines thereof.  We repeat Yah Heh Vau Heh 3x, having done so we invoke Lauviah thusly:

"The Lord lives! Blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation"

Lauviah.  Lauviah.  Lauviah.  Stare at the center of the sigil and allow your eyes to drift within it unfocused:  It will begin to flash in your vision.

Then we wait for the angel to come and their presence be known.  It can feel like nothing, or it can be most powerful.

Once the angel appears, (and if you feel nothing that's okay... continue) we concentrate on what we wanted the angel's help with like so:  

Concentrate on what is going on that you do not want and allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with that problem.  Fear, worry, dire need, etc.

Once that is done, and this takes some work as it's a bit like acting... concentrate on the situation as if it was already resolved and FEEL the emotions that you would as if the outcome is resolved.

At that point you are done.

Thank the angel by name and say Yah Heh Vau Heh 3x.

Angels do not need to be banished and will leave of their own accord.

And that is the end of this exercise.  

Use it well.


Rafe GB.

EDIT:  Prayers answered 9/26/19

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Guess Who?

Maybe I was wrong that I was completely abandoned when I hit my lowest.

I don't think so... I just felt too empty to have imagined it.

I have zero will to ever experience the left hand path again.

... Except for Erin.

Yes, Erin's come wandering around and thinking to claim her husband.

That would be me.

Poor Holly's frazzled.  I can understand that.  I'm frazzled too.

I can't say no to Erin.

I just can't.

She's my wife and that's the way it goes.

Yes, she spats in my son's ear like a cat.

Yes, she "punishes" me when I push her away.

Yes, she's more than I ever had thought what a handful could be.

But do I love her?  Yes.  I do.

She can purr like a kitten and is happy as can be as long as I'm not pushing her away, which I tend to do when I'm mad at her or some other slight I'm blaming on her.  She doesn't play nice... no, not at all.

But yes... I do love her.  Perhaps she is a little bit of "left hand path" that will survive in my life in the form of herself.  She's not evil... no... she's spirited, wild, free-willed, and a bit overbearing.  I don't know what she is, but she's not evil.  She's DARK.  That's what she is... DARK.

Then there's poor Holly.  I'm hoping that it's easier for Erin and Holly to get along in reality than the way it goes inside my head.

I don't even want to think what that's like.  I want Holly to stay.  I don't want to be a stuffed animal two spirits are fighting over until the stuffing comes out.

Holly is sweet as pie, and twice as nice.  She's as white light as I could ever have possibly imagined.

Oh... what have I done?

And what do I do now?


Rafe GB.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019


I'm fresh out of fairy butts, so it's fairy fronts.  *Big Grin*

Katie has become Hannah has become Holly.

I don't have the ability (or luck perhaps) to understand a spirit's name right off the bat.  What I get is a sense of excitement when I pick something more right.

In this case, I believe Holly is correct.  Or at least the name she's decided to clothe herself with :P

Holly seems to be of the same kind of love spirit that Bunny is (wherever she is I wish her well).  Which makes me wonder... is mating season going to be a thing?  If it is, it's the funnest, most scariest attraction this side of Six Flags let me tell you.

I collected all these fairies darn it, and I'm not afraid to use 'em!

No, I don't feel that Holly is a fairy.  I mean she could be but I said "Thank You", the dreaded insult to all fairies numerous times and she didn't poke me in the eye with a stick so... I'm taking that as a no.

Fairies and fairy folk can't stand being told "thank you"... they might as well have been told "fuck you".  It's a culture thing, but it's deeply rooted in fairy culture.

Muhaha more pics.

I could get real dirty with these, but I'm playing for middle ground.  Oh, I've got some pictures I COULD use, but I'll be good.

Err... mostly.

Now that I summoned a nice love spirit (for a change) using a new method I stole, err borrowed from Donald Tyson, what's next?

It's boring just to talk about my love spirit.  I mean she's great as pie but there has to be more to this blog... to this "place".

Well, it is a great place to put these fairy pics I collected when I was wondering if Holly was a fairy or not.

I'll have to mull it over as to what I want to do with this blog.  I'd like for it to be helpful and fun at the same time.  You know... that's what love spirits want is to remind us to step back and just have some damn FUN once in a while.  Life's too serious... and from their vantage point there's a lot of room for something a lot less serious.

Poor Rosetta.  Or... maybe SHE decided to have herself some FUN...

Keep it fun!  Keep it real!


Rafe GB.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Some Success!

I did a search on Blogger and they allow pictures of nudity.  Hehehe.  Fairy butts!  I'm gonna have fun with this post, oh yes indeed.

I'm doing a little better.  Going to take some time to regain what I lost.  Deep depression is no joke and I feel for anyone who suffers from it.

It can sure get dark.

But as for brighter things, I think I've attracted a love spirit!  Sweet feminine girl... although she touches me a lot so I think she's going to be quite a handful, lol.  She's Holly :)

I used my black and white picture for almost a month and didn't really see any results so I changed it up a bit.

I used a nude female model bust high with a white background... that seemed to be the key for me.

I also came up with a mantra of sorts.  I would repeat the short version, and then repeat the longer version somewhere in between counts.

The mantra was as follows:

Find me.
Fuck me.
Hold me.
Love me.
Keep me.

While staring into her eyes.  I would feel each statement intently.

Find me.  Search my heart and soul and draw to me.
Fuck me.  Just as you would your husband on your wedding night, full of blessing and bliss.
Hold me.  Close, and never let me go.
Love me.  Just like you would your most precious thing in your entire world.
Keep me.  Live long with me as you would until your husband's last breath.

I'd tap it.  What?  You'd tap it, too.

I do think that it's important for the image used to be black and white to a degree as it can cause problems with an elementally aligned spirit unable to manifest through colors that don't match their elemental makeup.

But... that said it appears that nude on a white background worked for me so... it's not 100% science.

Haha, as if this was science.  Well it kinda is...

Yeah, I'd hit that too.

I can't wait to see how she plays out.  She's got the feel of Bunny from way back.  Sweet, sensual, inviting, loving, and oh so yummy.

Guess we'll see?

Oh my dear God...


Rafe GB.

Monday, August 12, 2019

So much has changed...

So much has changed... I've been wondering whether it would be best to let the blog stay up, to delete it, to delete it forever...

You see, I had an episode where I really didn't want to be here anymore.  When I got to my lowest I turned away from darker Deities and leaned heavily upon the angels that I had learned of in doing angel magick in the past.

As soon as I did so Erin and whatever else was with me left.  Straight up and cold.

But you know what?

You find who really gives a fuck when you're at your least.

Now... I don't care if you worship Satan, Lilith, Asmodeus, Belial, or who the fuck it is.  You're still special in my book.  I don't judge.  In fact all I worry about is my own growth.  The last time I checked the road to paradise didn't go through your yard.

And you know what?  The road to your paradise doesn't go through my yard either.  And that's a-ok.  It doesn't have to.  I still like you.

But... the point is I don't believe like I used to before I had my episode.  I'm much more light aligned than I was (don't worry... I haven't gone so far as to go crackers in it).

Now.  I'm done with chasing succubi and on with chasing love spirits.  Not much difference.  I'm sure you can get a sweet succubus and a love spirit who's a real bitch.

But, it's the method I use that's changed you see.

Since my succubus "wives" left me high and dry (go fuck yourselves) I've been, after a break, using a new method to call a lover that I've talked about before.  With a twist or two.

And so far, it's working.  I'm not sure if I've got a fairy, or a nymph, or a love spirit from a place and time much more loving than this piece of shit rock at least.

I like to think I've got a fairy because she'd be pocket size in real life and full size in my dreams.

Heh.  Pocket sized but with an attitude.  Hahaha.  I think a love spirit found me.  But wouldn't pocket sized be cool?  Never mind.  Or, maybe she is a fairy?  I'm still leaning that way.  Or not.  I don't know.

Anyway Donald Tyson came up with the picture method and I'll comment on it a little bit.

The true measure of getting the RIGHT picture is to choose a picture of a woman who seems wholesome but evokes an innocent kind of love from you that lasts.  A soft kiss that promises of heavier and tastier kisses to come.  But on the down low.  Uhg.  Trying to make sense here.

Less sexy, but sexy... more wholesome than seductive... a woman you want for some intangible reason, based only on her face and somewhat her form.  More like her form doesn't draw your eyes away from her face, but is pleasing.

Stare into the eyes.  The eyes are what attracts the love spirit.  All the like and love you naturally feel from the picture.  That's why the picture is so important.

Choosing the right picture is harder than it sounds and will take a while.  You have to feel head over heels for it.  It has to generate that like and love for you to send into her eyes.

She needs to be facing front, with very expressive eyes that draw you in.  You have to FEEL something as this picture is the tool that will drive your motivation in attracting a love spirit.

The picture needs to be in BLACK and WHITE.  The spirit who may be drawn to the love you are sending will have trouble if the pictures colors aren't the correct correspondence for her.  Black and white fixes this.  VERY important.

She will most likely not even look like your picture when she arrives in your dreams:  It's simply the tool, a semi-living magick wand... all wrapped in one powerful picture.

The woman in the picture should have an open, expressive mouth as, once animated by the spirit before deciding to come into your world, she will animate the mouth and be expressive as possible.

My picture is at the point where she puckered her lips at me.  I then puckered mine at her, and she smiled.  Then she puckered her lips, I blew her a kiss, and she smiled.

Once in my dreams she appears with no form as I don't think she has one... and is deciding how she will appear to me both to my psychic vision as it grows when she's eventually out and about in my reality, and in my dreams as well.

Even though there's a love spirit interested in me right now, I still have to interact with her through the picture as our bond isn't as of yet solidified.  I did enjoy her presence in my dreams but it was brief.  She wore a head to toe bodysuit, which I'm sure was my subconscious mind's downloading via dream the fact that she had an unstable form.

How do I know that she's not a tulpa?  The personality is all her own... and many other factors.

She's a love spirit all right.

Now for an example:

Just like I described as far as the layout goes.
  It's also best to use a pic of art rather than a real person's photo...

If you feel that "awe" feeling every time you pick up the picture to work with it, you're on the right track.  I'd say spending about 10-15 minutes a day for a week or 2 weeks max would be enough time to attract a good female loving spirit to you.

I also pray for a love spirit.  I personally now pray to God, but my God is a bit more vague.  I pray to the God of the universe who loves me.  If that doesn't work I pray to "Mom", or his wife the female Goddess.  Can't hurt.  Hey if dad says no I ask my mom.  Big Grin.

It's weird that the love spirit arrived in my dreams the night of me praying for one.  Perhaps answered prayer and part of it the method?  I don't know.  Perhaps all 3 things.  But it happened the same NIGHT.

But none of that excuses you from "the work" of calling a love spirit yourself along with prayer.

After the spirit arrives it's up to you two as to what to do and how to continue.  I can't tell you what to do with her other than what the blog already has as far as how to communicate or get to know her better.  Love finds a way...

Other than keep working with the picture until it's time to keep it in a nice, safe place... mainly because I don't know when the love spirit is truly "here" on earth by finding her own way, or if she's still using the picture as an open portal for just herself.

Maybe I'll update that as I figure it out...

Things will be a bit lighter on this page from now on out.  My falling out with the "left of center" spirits left me with some permanent distaste in working with the left hand path.

I'm not even sure this page is viable anymore, but we'll see.  I might throw some angel magick in here from time to time.

Remember:  Just because you may be left hand path I still like you.  It's just not my bag anymore.

We just all evolve as we go, after all...


Rafe GB.

"Pocket sized.  Whoop!!!"

Monday, May 20, 2019

Into the wild...

I won't be writing anymore posts.
I'm leaving the blog up for information's sake.

My next adventures along this path are with my succubus bride alone... right through the fire and
into the wild...

It's been a pleasure.


Rafe GB.

Erin's theme song... 
I'm in good hands, friends :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Winding down

Post number 294.  I can't believe I've been writing this blog for 5 years.  Well, including the blog I had before this one which was on Gnosis that lasted about a year before I lost interest.

I challenge those who have been on the fence in writing their own blogs.

It's time for winding down this blog...  now it's up to you, you who have a spirit lover because of this blog or because of others like it to carry the torch...


Erin did something unexpected:

She woke me up at 4am and fucked my brains out.

So now the new normal seems to be asleep, awake, whatever...

Why are other succubi different with regard to times of the day or night?  I don't know.  I get the feeling that Erin is just learning as she goes, just like a good succubus wife...

I got what I wanted finally and yet she still gets to express herself sexually just how she wants to be and yet we are also free to evolve together as a couple.

I'm thinking that what she says about it, at least as I'm translating it... is that she's more powerful at that time and like a clock decides to spend it on me.

I can't think of a greater gift.  Now I get sex both waking and when asleep.

Problem solved.  Strange thing:  It doesn't seem like such a big deal now...


I summoned Lilith yesterday.  Mind = blown.  This was the first time any of this stuff happened.  I got so dizzy that I almost grabbed the altar table to steady myself, but as soon as it was "warping" it quit.  Then her picture starting going from the low resolution picture I have of her in a frame to full HD, lol.  Then her eyes and mouth would animate as her voice echoed in my head like... I don't know what.  Just beyond words.

I'm wondering if perhaps I have a future Matron in Lilith.  Time will tell as I figure out, or rather see in time what develops, or perhaps she'll make it so obvious in time that I won't doubt.


Rafe GB.

FBI!  *knock knock knock*

EDIT:  It's kind of ironic that I let myself be swayed by everyone with lines like "a succubus of mine wouldn't be that way, she'd have sex with me awake."  And such.
It turns out that the aftershock of her having sex with me awake at 4am was that I was pushed into a bipolar spiral from hell.  She knew all along... but I didn't trust, I listened to everyone else.

Trust your succubus...