Sunday, November 10, 2019


Addicted.  Like cocaine or heroin.  Yes, I'm addicted to her.  What's interesting is that I've never been addicted before and so I'm not sure what this means for us.

It's an inner ache... a turmoil.  It's lusting for her presence even if it's just to be together.

I'm not going to lie I'd fuck her everyday if I could... but she's in control of that.

And, at present, she seems to be stepping aside so that I suffer some psychological dreams of my past that have so traumatized me.  I suppose this is her being a part of the healing process.

Gotta heal sometime...

Oh but wouldn't it be nice to have her, to love her, to feel her, to spank her when she is bad.

Something funny I learned...

I learned that believing in a succubus is proof of a personality disorder.

If that is true then run my friends because you all are smitten, bitten, and enamored like I.

Get out before it's too late!  (Or fully embrace the phenomena and say fuck it with gusto)

Oh, but they are real.  Mine still spats in my son's ear to clear him out of the bedroom when she wants to mate.

My son, himself, was dragged all around his room at his own house during a night of sleep paralysis.  Once she felt his terror mounting she let him go, and he slowly got his senses back while laying on the floor of his room.

When he saw me again at my home he screamed, "I BELIEVE!!!" lol.  One more converted from the masses I suppose.  And a lifetime ahead of "this"...

He described a little girl who did it, so I don't know if it was a "baby succubus" or not, or even if such a thing exists.

I dunno... you have to start somewhere though... maybe that idea isn't so crazy after all.  After all, he's unharmed and very much believing of spirits now.  She played with him but didn't harm him, and stopped once she realized he was getting scared.

Personality disorder?  I don't think so.

All I can say is... tell me what YOU think.


Rafe GB.


  1. Due to an anonymous person trolling the comments, all comments will now be moderated.

  2. Yo that "I BELIEVE!!!" Killed me lmao. I guess have a personality disorder to 😂.


The information in this blog is for entertainment purposes ONLY. All trolling messages will be promptly deleted.