Monday, October 24, 2016

Thirst, and Fill.

This is going to be a candid post into my life with Bunny, and hopefully one that helps others.

Things aren't always smooth with a succubus, especially when you're bipolar like me.  I could get angry that the sun is too loud from time to time.  Gotta be bipolar to get that joke, I think.

So I'm thinking about sex and death, they are one and the same, you know.  If there were no sex, there would be no life.  What is what every living thing must endure?

Suffering.  That goes without saying.  But the other?  Death.

The whole cycle of suffering and death is related;  It is inseparable.

Sometimes I see this world and I get a bit sick.  It's all a ruse, a crucible.

Here we are in meat suits, hunger, thirst, suffering, pain, agony.

Pleasure, joy, happiness?  Those are but punctuations along a melody of tears.

Sex is death.

Look at the wheel of the year, the Sabbats.  The God is born to the Goddess in the winter, grows, marries her in the spring.  They reign together, nature is at it's peak.

He begins to age, to grey.

He gets weak.  He dies.  The cycle repeats.

At Beltane, or the marriage of the Lord and Lady, the maypole is decorated by twisting ribbons around it, making it alluring, tight, pleasurable for the Lord so that he will mate and enjoy his bride, the Goddess.  Which always leads to his death, months later.

Read then, the ancient ways of the society:  That of the "Sacred King":

"A sacred king, according to the systematic interpretation of mythology developed by Frazer in The Golden Bough (published 1890), was a king who represented a solar deity in a periodically re-enacted fertility rite. Frazer seized upon the notion of a substitute king and made him the keystone of his theory of a universal, pan-European, and indeed worldwide fertility myth, in which a consort for the Goddess was annually replaced. According to Frazer, the sacred king represented the spirit of vegetation, a divine John Barleycorn.  He came into being in the spring, reigned during the summer, and ritually died at harvest time, only to be reborn at the winter solstice to wax and rule again. The spirit of vegetation was therefore a "dying and reviving god". Osiris, Adonis, Dionysus, Attis and many other familiar figures from Greek mythology and classical antiquity were re-interpreted in this mold. The sacred king, the human embodiment of the dying and reviving vegetation god, was supposed to have originally been an individual chosen to rule for a time, but whose fate was to suffer as a sacrifice, to be offered back to the earth so that a new king could rule for a time in his stead.

Especially in Europe during Frazer's early twentieth century heyday, it launched a cottage industry of amateurs looking for "pagan survivals" in such things as traditional fairs, maypoles, and folk arts like morris dancing. It was widely influential in literature, being alluded to by D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Ezra Pound, and in T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land, among other works.

Robert Graves used Frazer's work in The Greek Myths and made it one of the foundations of his own personal mythology in The White Goddess. Margaret Murray, the principal theorist of witchcraft as a "pagan survival," used Frazer's work to propose the thesis that many Kings of England who died as kings, most notably William Rufus, were secret pagans and witches, whose deaths were the re-enactment of the human sacrifice that stood at the centre of Frazer's myth.  An idea used by fantasy writer Katherine Kurtz' in her novel Lammas Night."

And secondly, that of the Oak King and Holly King:

"The Holly King and Oak King (From Wicca)"

"The Wiccan God is the Lord of the Greenwood, consort to the Lady of the Greenwood. Known also as Cernunnos, the Green Man, Herne the Hunter, and Lord of the Wild Hunt, he is a god of fertility, growth, death, and rebirth.

Two God-themes figure predominantly in Wiccan Sabbats: the Sun-God theme and that of the Holly King and Oak King.

The Sun-God rules the seasons. At Yule, he is the new babe, the emodiment of innocence and joy. He represents the infancy of the returning light. At Imolg, his growth is celebrated, as the days are growing longer and light stronger. At Ostara, he is a green, flourishing youth whose eye is taken by the Maiden Goddess. On Beltane, he is the young man in love who takes the Goddess as his bride. Their consummated marriage is celebrated with maypoles and bonfires. At Midsummer, he comsummates his marriage in a union so complete that it becomes a death. He is mourned at Lammas, and at Mabon, he sleeps in the womb of the Goddess. At Samhain, he waits in the Shining Land to be reborn.

The symbolism of the Horned God is also played out the theme of the Holly King and Oak King. The Horned God is the Holly King and the Oak King, two twin gods seen as one complete entity.  Each of the twin gods rule for half of a year, fights for the favor of the Goddess, and dies (is murdered by the other, if you prefer to hear the truth). But the defeated twin is not truly dead (again, the sacred king myth), he merely withdraws for six months, some say to Caer Arianrhod, the Castle of the ever-turning Silver Wheel, which is also known as the Wheel of the Stars. This is the enchanted realm of the Goddess Arianrhod where the god must wait and learn before being born again (Whereas the Goddess is eternal in her "wisdom"). Arianrhod means "silver wheel" and the castle is the Aurora Borealis. She is the goddess of the astral skies and there she rules as goddess of reincarnation (aka the God was dead).

The golden Oak King, who is the light twin, rules from midwinter to midsummer. The darksome Holly King rules the dark half of the year from Midsummer to Midwinter."

And it's still celebrated to this day

As you can see, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree no matter how rotten.

Women were in charge once.  This was it.  The priestess had all the power, and after publicly fucking the new king (to show the blessing of the earth upon him), in one year he was murdered by the next king (her choice of the new suiter one year later) and his body was chopped up and scattered amongst the fields as a symbol of the fertility of land.

I could go into how this practice started, and also into how it ended... but that's not my point.

How to stop the cycle, as the spirit thereof has survived even in our society today?

Do nothing!!!!!!!

The God abstains.  He walks away.  He tosses his crown at the High Priestess's feet.  No mating, no marriage, no nature, no cycle of murder, no call of death to answer.

It's finally over.  The cycle is broken.  The end of the line.  Fini.

We're at a funny time in history... a creeping time, a social consciousness of rebellion is rising, and it's as a serpent:  Quiet, silent, hidden, unseen.

It is the idea that this can all be ended.

The great experiment thwarted, done away with;  Consumed.

In ancient Egypt, Set would ride Ra's boat, and every night he would spear the Great Serpent of Chaos.  Apep.

Apep came to undo the world, undo creation, undo what is.  No more life, no more suffering.

No more.

Have you felt it?  Do you sense the undulations of the Serpent as it crawls around obstacles?

Set has allied with the Great Serpent.  There will be no more turning It away.

There will be no more cycle, no more joys, no more tears, no more, "more".

Look at the madness stirring in the world.

Feminism, ah feminism.  Thanks be unto thee feminism.

Because of you, men are free, not women.

Our eyes have been opened:  Men don't have to drop everything and fuck you because you want it, not anymore, the failure of which to do so at your whim no longer threatens our very status of manhood in society.

Men don't have to work for you, protect you, care that you exist, anymore.

Men can simply walk away.  No more societal pressures, not more defining what is a man.

We are free to write our own story, now.  Free... at last!

Oh, how when the levee broke, it broke so silently!

How Apep slithered around and around and through the deluge that was made.

Men awoke.  They realized that they are utility, that they are tools to be discarded, to be replaced when a better one reveals itself... and they have decided to self-identify as they wish, instead.

And so men lost empathy.  They lost care, concern, and especially regard for any life but their own.

You taught them this by freeing them.

Thank you, fools, but thank you all the same!

"Feminists realized now that they made a strategic mistake because they assumed men were too slow and stupid and conservative to change, that they would work to the benefit of the feminists and enforce a double standard.

Feminists do want the men back in chains, they'll do it by partnering with Marxists/Socialists and claim that men need to be put back to work for the greater good of "society"(ie women), Marxism and feminism are a two pronged attack designed to give women a leisure like lifestyle while men toil to support it. Why do you think so many socialist/marxist ideas are being put forward under the banner of feminism.

They inadvertently let the slaves out and now they want to recapture them, the head mangina Obama, is their ticket to reimposing economic captivity on men in the US. Women need men's labor but they don't want to pay for it in any way.

Men are free at the moment, how much longer depends on how far they're willing to let their governments go in the direction of a socialist dictatorship. Women have subverted the legal system to enslave married and divorced men, this has caused men to drop out of the picture. Now they're going to close off as many avenues as possible to any more men disappearing from the system.
Welcome to the USA.... "

"All we need to do is to continue going our own way until the entity that enslaves us (the government) collapses or dies.
We can implode the system. We don't even have to fight. All we need to do is sit and wait. If men were to decide to become unproductive, it wouldn't take much time to overcome our common enemy.
We can sabotage the system and make it work to our benefit: we need not be concerned about women anymore: only our own selves..."

Can you see it?  I can.

Am I blaming women?

Not exactly:  I know what's behind the magick curtain, what's pulling the strings of all this.

Society falling apart, one family at a time.  But don't look for logic.  It's much more insidious, and much more interesting than logic.

It's actually funner to see the progression that isn't so easily visible to the masses...

First off, the obvious:

Oh, a gender war is coming, but it won't be fought with words and ideals, it will be fought with the turning away of men.  It has already, but not completely.  Not yet.  But it will.  And if society tries to drag men back?  Hahaha.

Try dragging Set back to fight Apep, or the Lord of the Wild back once he decides to STOP being the "sacred king" (who is murdered every year for the "good" of others).

But don't take my word for it.  Watch.  Listen.  See with your own eyes... what happens next?  

Let's find out.

There is a cancer in society, there is an invasion within the psyche.  Can you see it and feel it?  From whence does it come?  Let's lift the curtain and paint more of the story so that it gains clarity.

You see, what looks simply like a gender issue is not so simple once the curtain is peeled back...

But if you can't see it on this side, you sure as hell won't on the other.

The only thing I can tell you is that you will once it gets worse.  

If that's any consolation.

A quick note:  I have children.  I love them.  I'm friends with my ex.  And that's ok.  She's a good woman, and she's worthy of my respect.

I don't wish harm on any of them.  This is not a post about anger, about hate, about revenge, or about anything other than what is going on on a large scale, and what I believe is coming.

This is not a post to call for men to walk away from those whom they have formed a life with.

This is something different, it's a backdrop I have painted for what I believe is happening.
The backdrop of history, as well, only paints the backdrop of the canvas for where this post is going, and nothing more.

And so, we're ready for it:

As above, so below.

And now, what you don't see is more powerful than what is seen...

In the late 1500's, Dee and Kelly transcribed information from angels, known as the Enochian angels. During this time, Kelly was the "scryer" who relayed the information to Dee of what was seen, and what was said.  They were given the Enochian Keys.  Once they were given them, they were told that the keys were not for them.  Shortly after, the Enochian angels broke the two up, but suggesting that they sleep with each other's wives, which they did.

Kelly repeatedly tried to dissuade Dee during the long processs of vision and dictation that he didn't think these angels were righteous angels, but were the fallen.  Dee didn't listen.

The "Calls" or "Key" were set in place for another time and another magician.

Enter Crowley, as brilliant as he was depraved.

Crowley figured out the Keys and did a ritual that was a "final working".  Just what the Enochian angels wanted.

You see, the Watchtowers of protection were never meant to fall "outwards".  They were created to fall "inwards".  And only by human will, human hands, a human enacting the ritual to do so.

"In November 1909, Crowley and Neuburg travelled to Algeria, touring the desert from El Arba to Aumale, Bou Saâda, and then Dā'leh Addin, with Crowley reciting the Quran on a daily basis. During the trip he invoked the thirty aethyrs of Enochian magic, with Neuburg recording the results, later published in The Equinox as The Vision and the Voice. Following a mountaintop sex magic ritual, Crowley also performed an invocation to the demon Choronzon involving blood sacrifice, considering the results to be a watershed in his magical career."

You can research yourself as there is quite a bit of material on what happened, but the point is what happened next, and why.

World war 1.  World war 2.  War upon war upon war.  Suffering, unmaking.  Genocide.  Disaster.

What are the consequences of the watchtowers falling?  A great boom?  Judgement?


First off, I don't believe the Watchtowers fell completely:  There is a "CRACK", so to speak.

A crack is still doomsday... just over a much longer period of time.

This is an assault, a collapse of the inward mind.  As above, so below.  The demon "Chronzon" works on us all... from within our own minds, all at once.

From the beginning of the fall, along and along it goes...

Why did the fallen angels want this?  I sure as hell don't know...

Only we could start the cascade of the collapse.  And we did.  Through Crowley's work.

"The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March, 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist, and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.  This ritual was essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. The project was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley, and his description of a similar project in his 1917 novel Moonchild.

The Babalon Working rituals.

When Parsons declared that the first of the series of rituals was complete and successful, he almost immediately met Marjorie Cameron in his own home, and regarded her as the elemental that he and Hubbard had called through the ritual.  Soon Parsons began the next stage of the series, an attempt to conceive a child through sexual magick workings. Although no child was conceived, this did not affect the result of the ritual to that point. Parsons and Cameron, who Parsons now regarded as the Scarlet Woman - Babalon - called forth by the ritual, soon married.

The rituals performed drew largely upon rituals and sex magic described by English author and occult teacher Aleister Crowley. Crowley was in correspondence with Parsons during the course of the Babalon Working, and warned Parsons of his potential overreactions to the magick he was performing, while simultaneously deriding Parsons' work to others.

The Book of Babalon, Liber 49

A brief text entitled The Book of Babalon, or Liber 49, was written by Jack Parsons as a transmission from the goddess or force called Babalon received by him during the Babalon Working.  Parsons claimed that Liber 49 constituted a fourth chapter of Crowley's Liber AL Vel Legis (The Book of the Law), the holy text of Thelema.
"Within the mystical system of the A∴A∴, after the adept has attained the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel, he then might reach the next and last great milestone — the crossing of the Abyss, that great spiritual wilderness of nothingness and dissolution. Choronzon is the dweller there, and its job is to trap the traveler in his meaningless world of illusion.

However, Babalon is just on the other side, beckoning. If the adept gives himself totally to her—the symbol of this act being the pouring of the adept’s blood into her graal — he becomes impregnated in her, then to be reborn as a Master of the Temple and a saint that dwells in the City of the Pyramids. From Crowley's book Magick Without Tears:

[S]he guardeth the Abyss. And in her is a perfect purity of that which is above, yet she is sent as the Redeemer to them that are below. For there is no other way into the Supernal mystery but through her and the Beast on which she rideth.

and from The Vision and the Voice (12th Aethyr):

Let him look upon the cup whose blood is mingled therein, for the wine of the cup is the blood of the saints. Glory unto the Scarlet Woman, Babalon the Mother of Abominations, that rideth upon the Beast, for she hath spilt their blood in every corner of the earth and lo! she hath mingled it in the cup of her whoredom.

She is considered to be a sacred whore because she denies no one, and yet she extracts a great price — the very blood of the adept and his ego-identity as an earthly individual. This aspect of Babalon is described further from the 12th Aethyr:

This is the Mystery of Babylon, the Mother of Abominations, and this is the mystery of her adulteries, for she hath yielded up herself to everything that liveth, and hath become a partaker in its mystery. And because she hath made her self the servant of each, therefore is she become the mistress of all. Not as yet canst thou comprehend her glory.

Beautiful art thou, O Babylon, and desirable, for thou hast given thyself to everything that liveth, and thy weakness hath subdued their strength. For in that union thou didst understand. Therefore art thou called Understanding, O Babylon, Lady of the Night!"
Now you see why I don't give a lot of credence to the 5D movement.  While I would love for it to be true, human nature is pretty much a one-way-street.

What is the significance of the Babylon working after the crack in the Watchtowers?  I don't know.

But to me, it feels at a soul level like when a fire is started.  At one point, it's stoppable.  And past that point, it's past the point of no return.  We've been in that freefall since, well, to be honest who knows how long this has been planned?

What things had to align to make this possible, and completed as it was desired to (eh, not by humanity in general (including me))?

"Don't open the box (Pandora)".  Opens it.  Wanted to open it, so opened it.

Crowley knew what he was doing.  He called himself the beast for a reason.  He knew his goal.

Now wait a second... as far as Pandora opening the box, am I blaming a woman?  Nope.  It's a God-Damned Myth.  If Pandora was "Pandude" he'd have opened it, too.

That, in a nutshell, is human nature, and that, in a nutshell, is why this has been happening from a long, long, time ago.

Care, or care not... it's coming for you, for all of us.

One only has to look around at the current generation of babies, aka "safeplace" and "#tiggered" diaper-wearing-traumas-waiting-to-happen to sense what's happening behind the curtain and how it's affecting the minds of all of us.


Yeah, rip that shit up.

So, there I was.  In my dark, black cloud of despair, built by my own thoughts.

I'm being my miserable self, angry at this world of illusion, where sex is death, where love is a chemical, and where we know nothing for sure.  Nothing.

Bunny is near me in bed, as I'm feeling distraught.  She knows what mental state I'm in.

She doesn't come and mount me.  She doesn't try to woo me.  She doesn't try to cheer me up.


Instead?  She begins to lightly touch my left temple.  It spreads to my hair and my face around my temple, and despite myself, I begin to relax a little.  At first I'm thinking, "A succubus is the very SYMBOL, incarnation of sex and death, desire and slavery."

Not really fair.  I'm in a mood.

Then, I'm realizing that she is just there in my bed to be there in my bed.  Since she's not trying anything, I relax a bit more.

The longer she stays there, the longer I appreciate that she's there for me.  You know, she doesn't have chemicals that make her feel "in love".  As I realize this, I also realize that I don't really "give" her anything, anything at all that this world would consider valuable.

She's different.  My thoughts towards her as being an avatar of "desire and death" are unwarranted, and I feel shame, and sorrow.

I begin to soften around the edges, and I realize that I thirsted my whole life for something I could not have, because it wasn't real.  Love, here, is a chemical.  Lust is pheremones and hormones.

Why does Bunny satiate my thirst?  Maybe... maybe my thirst was always for a love like this.


Bunny is a master.  She can manage me when I have given up;  And when I'm inconsolable?  Only she can console me.

I have never felt, nor experienced, anyone who can, but her.  Does that mean that I am "caught", that I am her slave?

She has only always helped me.  She has made me a better person BECAUSE of her, not in spite of her.  Whereas the code of this world is male utility, she sees it completely different.  In a way, as wise and as powerful as she is, she's almost innocent, naive, in her love for me.

She FORCES me to see myself as she does.  And I can't help but admire her sweet, gentle way.


That I can accept.  That I can adore.  How lovely it is, in comparison to this world?

Perhaps, in a way, she is representative of that sex SHOULD be.  What love SHOULD be.

What we all should be to one another...

I have felt her many times with me when I awake, with no memory of what took place in my sleep.

Perhaps, sometimes, there is nothing to remember...  It is just her, next to me...

How beautiful is that?

How precious is that?

I do, genuinely, feel this way about Bunny.  I do believe that she, genuinely, feels this way about me.

The difference is, perhaps, that I am the body to her earth, the breath to her air, the passion to her fire, the blood to her water, and my soul, lovingly entangled with her spirit.

Sometimes the world does bring me down:  Hard.  

But she's always there to lift me, to dust me off and fluff my wings so that I may "fly" with her.

Even though I have my own dark thoughts of what is going on in the world (as I have written or quoted, above), she is the one bright star, the light shining down.

A summoning is a suggestion, a plea, an invitation.  I summoned, she answered.  Gently, and sweetly.

What a strange, miraculous world magick is.  What a strange, wonderful girl Bunny is.

I love you, Bunny.  I heard this song the other day and thought of you.  This song is for you.

Have you loved your succubus today?

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