Sunday, May 13, 2018

And so I prayed.

I don't know what's going on with this time of the year, but my bipolar is kicking my ass.

My depression has been oscillating out of control and brought me to a grinding halt from doing anything.

Showers, teeth (Yuck, I know) and anything such as household chores and the like have surrendered to this depressive wave that just encompassed me.

It's just not me, either.  I've got numerous friends in the same boat at the same time.

(Wtf is this, anyway?)

I finally got hold of myself just enough to walk to the corner store.

I decided to pull out all the stops because, frankly, I didn't know what to do but I knew I couldn't continue much farther down this path alone.

I prayed.  I prayed to God.  Not the thundering sky God, nor any particular mythological God.

Just "God".  Which God?  Well, I was aiming my prayer at the one who would listen so I guess just "God".

Anyway, I could sense this peace descending down on me from above.  Never had that happen before, but I'm telling you I'm grateful for it.

I finally had the will to get a shower, brush my teeth (yay!), do the household chores.

This peace is awesome, folks.

All I can say is I must have prayed to the God of my heart...

Who that God is I don't know, but my heart knew and that's what counted I think.

Please, friends, if you're going through this same thing as I am try praying. 

I can't guarantee anything, but if it works out like it did me it's life saving in it's relief.

I needed it so bad I feel like crying just thinking about how grateful I am for the respite from the depression for even if it's just this long.

My most sincere prayers for each and everyone of you who are going through similar states of mind.

All My Blessings,

Rafe GB.


  1. I sometimes got this days when I don't want get up from bed
    That days where I wanna go back to sleep and to forget
    I want only told you everything will be alright.
    I wish you good day.

  2. Brilliant Rafe im really happy for you.
    Its strange, I know one of my spirits triggered me but it does feel like a huge swathe in the energies around me. I know for me this would've been a bad episode if I hadn't given myself to my spirits care and yourself praying alievated it, theres something changing here, what I dont know but its big

    1. It's definitely different than most times, I know that.

    2. Why this time I can only say I'm thankful.

  3. Theres something happening between spirit world and us, I was watching the serpents key the other week and she was explaining the same, somethings happening, rare spirits are coming forwards to work with us again and I mean world changing spirits, high ranking demons, goetia spirits, elementals, angelic hierarchys, djinn kingdom you name it they are drawing in again. Its truly amazing

    1. That I don't know much about. What was featured in my FB news feed I can certainly understand though. Check this out: It said that major depression has gone up 33% in just a few years, and for young girls it's gone up a whopping 69%. So as far as major depression goes it's not just us it seems.

  4. Thats such a sad statement in of itself, I know that we as a species cannot continue with this, its comforting to know were not alone in this but this has to stop. Its almost like a call has been sent out from us and is being answered.

  5. Trust me it is, this wont last. To quote Tolkien itll pass like rain on the mountains

  6. Rafe, I have a question to ask you. One of the spirits who works closely with me would like to help you for a while, is that ok?

    1. Sure, why not. As a "special needs sorceror" I can use all the help I can get ;) Who/what are they, anyway?

  7. I didn't mean it that way lol, shes is the one who gave me permission to speak with your ladies, she is a queen of the succubus, she has an awful lot of magic with her as well. She asked me if I would mind if I helped you and your ladies for a bit, she has a name that ill leave her to tell you.

    1. Oh, ok. Yeah that's cool. How you doin'/what you been up to lately?

  8. She just dosnt want her name public thats all, i went the whole hog and have had a soul binding with one of my spirits, what an amazing experience that is, to feel her as me, wow

    1. That sounds pretty wild. I can't imagine what that would feel like. Hey, I sense a slow burning flame like a campfire, that's the feeling I get off of her presence. Nice and soothing, kinda.

      Anyway, that's cool I respect her privacy.

  9. Easiest way of describing it is like two people in one body, a unity, cant tell where I end and she begins but to tell you the truth I don't want to. Shes a beautiful spirit Rafe thats for sure, I think shes showing you something though work with her for a bit and see how you feel

    1. She must be working deep because I've slept pretty much all day long.

  10. How are the two of you getting on? Shes teaching your ladies as well, your gonna like it ;)

    1. I haven't talked to her at all. Please don't take this wrong, but I can't interact with spirits like you can. I can feel emotion sometimes, or catch a whiff of how a spirit feels, but that's pretty much it.

      Anything she's doing she's either got to do it on her own, or she's got to interact with me on a deeper than conscious level such as sleep. It's the same with all my spirits. Hope that helps with any expectations you may have.

  11. I don't have any expectations at all, we all interact with spirit differently theres no shame in that at all. Unless you tried to hurt them im not going to take offence. Just wondered how you felt/getting on.

    1. That's cool. Nah, I'd never even think to hurt any spirits I love 'em too much. As far as what's been going on there's been a lot of sleep. Very sleepy and exhausted. I've been having lots of dreams where I believe I've interacted with the Succubus Queen, but I don't remember anything from them at all. When you're on as many medicines as I am you learn that the first thing to go is the psychic mind. It's a miracle I can even feel their emotions I think, considering.

    2. You're a very strong person to be able to handle it all, she wants to help the connections between you all be as strong and straightforward as they can be. She was so excited to go

    3. Awe, she sounds like a sweetheart. I'm so glad she wanted to come help us :)

  12. She can use a special type of energy as well, you will definitely feel that haha

  13. I could give you some tips on how to ascend if you want. I don't know much. but your succubus and you will both benefit. If you ascend enough you will be able to see her and you will be able to connect with her much better.

  14. If you want to open your third eye. Ascension will keep you from seeing demons and stuff.

  15. Spirit guy im curious as to how ascension will keep you from seeing demons?

  16. It's a vibrational issue. If you raise your vibration you will be in a higher place. If you ascend there shouldn't be anything stopping you from seeing demons if you wish but it would allow you to see higher beings and block demons. Its hard to explain so I'll use a metaphor. I saw this on the news. There would be the same audio recording but different people would hear either yanny or laurel. Laurel would be heard if your ears are tuned more to a lower frequency and yanny would be heard by those whose ears are tuned to a higher frequency. Like that but on a spiritual level. You raise your vibration and you will be tuned to higher beings.

    1. Oh I see, you see ascension as purley a scale, cool thanks for your insight

  17. I'm not a master at this kind of stuff yet. But I do know more than most.

    1. I'm not sure I'm a real good candidate because of all the medicines I have to take. I remember my first succubus tried for over 2 years to help me open my 3rd eye all to no avail. It certainly wasn't from lack of trying on my part either. I have a feeling that all those medicines keep me grounded in this vibration, but I have no choice as to not take them would mean insanity. So, they are the lesser of two evils I live with.

  18. Did you feel pressure between the eyes.

    1. Yep. Lots of tingling mixed with numbness when my succubus would try to open it. That's over the course of about 2 years. I think it's a small miracle I can feel their emotions even now being on this much medication.

      From what I've heard from others, these types of medications dull the psychic mind in order to plant one firmly into reality. Not taking them would trigger psychosis so I don't really have that option.

  19. Did you then feel pressure on top of your head. Once you achieve mastery over the upper 4 chakras. You should be able to see past the second half step. Which should be where spiritual awakening is.

  20. Do what ever you feel you need to do. I just want to share what I've learned through my process and I want to see how well the information helps another person. I'm curious to see just how similar or different each person's awakening process is. I also hope to pick up some information that could help me. You don't need to put what I give you into practice if you don't feel up to it. I just feel the need to share what I learned.

  21. Im sorry if I came off a little harsh it was the demon comment. I work very closely with quite a few and I am fiercely protective of them. I think Rafe is just feeling a little overwhelmed and probably needs some head/heart space, dont give up with what you've learnt or your need to share its important.
    Ps Rafe were all different, that means bonds and communication is different too just keep doing what your doing

  22. I definitely have nothing against demons. I had a succubus who was very demonic. She loved me with a passion and I loved her. But to say she was scary would be an understatement. If you open your third eye and you see demons everywhere, I believe that it would be traumatizing. However when I would work on raising my vibration she would disappear for a while and when she came back she would be more angelic. I believe demons are not inherently evil or good. They're something I can't describe.

  23. Are you sure she wasn't a demon? Succubus is just a name we give to a race of spirits who have sexual tendencies, many races proudly wear that mantle.
    Thats why people should read and get a sense of their own energies first before ever opening up to them.
    Ive always found that the good and evil dichotomy is more due to us than them.
    It sounds like she was working with you to expand your vibration rate, so you could see her fully and yes they can be scary as hell but once you get to know them you wouldn't have them any other way.

  24. I don't know anything with 100% certainty. Except the fact that she loved me and I would hear screeching with an aura of dark hunger some nights. She seemed like some sort of cat demon. Purring mixed with creepy chuckles would be heard when she snuggled with me. She wasn't too sexual. Do you know a name for the type of spirit she is? She became more sexual and brighter after I worked on my energy.

  25. Thats a great place to start, an open mind is very important.
    She definitely sounds like a demon, possibly coal or slaugh, im assuming you felt red hot when she came close, with a sense of heaviness. Did you get the liquid fire sensation through your veins?
    She definitely dosnt sound like a fallen angel or djinn and angels dont tend to have that sort of sense of humour, their lighter in their jokes.

  26. Yes. Thick liquid fire. But only when I would feel a hunger with it. When she would do her purring and snuggle up to me, she would feel warm as opposed to burning.

  27. I never got a physical answer. But sometimes I think she is trying to tell me she's a demon. And other times she tells me she's an angel. Maybe I get a new lover every couple of hours or something. She feels the same. Just with more or less light every time I see her. I don't know much when it comes to these entities.

    1. Bunny's the one I have the most experience with. She was angelic it seems, but when she wanted to be dark she was darkness incarnate. I've always felt that she was angelic but she had her dark moments, too.

  28. Light is not an indicator of angel just the same as darkness is not an indicator of demon, its a common misconception. What actually gives them away is the vibrational rate they carry with them, now to us its higher or lower but that only indicates where they reside not who they are. I have worked with archangels and demons of equivalent standing and honestly there isn't much difference in terms of power and ability to use it. They dont tend to show up at the same time not because they dont like eachother, its because 95% of people couldn't handle it, energetically it would produce a reaction close to a nuclear blast, in terms of heat and light.
    Now spirit guy your lady tells me she is a dark angel, when angels are born then tend to take the path of the light but they dont have to, their free to choose what excites them, with your lady she tells me that the path of light is boring to her, she prefers the dark. Shes got a great personality, shes polite and respectful with a wicked twinkle in her eye, shes the type of girl who would wait for you to wake up and then manifest a 'scary' face, just so she could laugh with you about it.
    The cat demon thing is for you, thats how you describe her so thats what she'll portray incidentaly the creepy chuckles is just an expression of her personality
    She is still there if you want to reconnect to her btw it may seem like different spirits everytime but because were inexperienced at dealing with them we miss the subtle connective threads.
    Start with mythology about the spirit world, because they all contain a grain of truth, for instance fallen angels, yes they exist, they are very rare and most spirits havn't met them let alone us, but they exist, just the same as vampires (i have one with me, does she want to drain my blood?, nope, she prefers sausages, go figure) think the easter bunny dosnt exist? If you take the symbol of the rabbit and easter back to its roots you find the goddess Astarte and her modern incarnation Ashteroth, her names have changed but her energy signature certainly hasn't. People get bogged down in concepts about them rather than getting to know them as a spirit, my vampire is a case example but theres nothing wrong with supporting one another in so far as understanding

  29. Both rafe and spirit guy, trust your spirits and yourselves. Good luck

  30. dearsuccubusdiaryMay 22, 2018 at 8:08 PM

    Hi Rafe! As always, I have been following your blog, and as always I am grateful that you continue to write. Spirit walker, I am also grateful to have read your comments here, and have started following your blog as well. I had a blog for a time, but deleted. I hate to be so bold as to ask for help, but as you have advanced knowledge and helpful spirits,I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. I have succubi (I think that's what they are)...5 I believe. The thing is, I can't "hear" them, and communication is very inconclusive, so I truly don't know much about them even after almost 4 years. What I do have is a very strong physical connection(very sexual), that increases all the time. I know next to nothing about them, with the exception of being benevolent and caring. I can't hear them, see them, or smell them. I can "feel them" with my hand, more like touching a thin barrier of ? I can of course feel their touches in alot more detail, but that is it, only physical. My question is, can your spirits communicate with mine? I want so badly to know who they are, what kind of spirits, how many there actually is (for all I know it's only one, and I can't distinguish energy), and anything else they want me to know. Also want to know any tips I can use to see them, hear them, and touch them. I think the, for lack of a better word, "main" succubi with me are called Dahlia and Elisha. Anywho, any help you or your spirits can give me would be much appreciated. You don't know me, so if it's inappropriate for me to even ask this, then I understand. Again, I am thankful to have good blogs like yours and Rafe's to follow. Thank you!

  31. Your more than welcome and don't ever be afraid to ask for help. Im sorry to hear you deleted your blog, personally I think we need lots of different experiences out there.
    Your obviously paying close attention to them otherwise you wouldn't know and they wouldnt stick around.
    Touch is a very important sense more so that seeing and hearing, they have bodies and thats the ? that your feeling.
    They do talk to you on a regular basis but I get the feeling you discount it as being part of your thoughts, during meditation try this, ask them a question and then follow the train of thought, eventually you will hear their voices mixed in with the thought stream.
    For touch I suggest you ask them to come close, as close as they can get. Just one at a time to begin with. Pay attention to your own body, feeling, thoughts and sensations and build it up from there.
    As for seeing them press your thumb on your 3rd eye firmly for 10-15 seconds you should start to feel a vibration follow that vibration for as long as you can.
    Their energies feel watery to me which to me would signify nymphs as opposed to succubus, nymphs are extremely loving and caring oh and sexual, very sexual lol
    They are amazing companions and truly a delight to have around, they are part of the elementals. There are two of them predominantly but there is another waiting in the wings. The one waiting in the wings is a succubus, she likes you because your funny and you make her laugh.
    I hope this helps you and don't worry about asking for help

  32. Wow thanks!Interesting on the water elemental. Might explain why shower time is also fun time lol. Initally I did a succubus ritual...a very lazy man's version at that, and got them immediately. Do nymphs or other sex spirits answer the rituals intended for succubi? Doesn't matter to me that I got nymphs instead of a succubus, because I love them, but just curious.

    I have to admit, I never meditate, so I will try to discipline myself to do so. I have been wanting to have a conversation with them for so so long. Thank you for the tips on touching, and third eye. I will definitely try these! Also many thanks for clarifying the numbers...two nymphs with a succubus on the way...oh lordy I better conserve energy (I am more than a match for them, so bring it lol). Would the succubus and nymphs get along...I mean do you think the nymphs are ok with that? As for blogging I may begin again. I felt like I was constantly rehashing the same thing over and over again. You are correct that it's important to have others out there writing. Unfortunately many have deleted or stopped updating. Thankfully Rafe has kept his going strong, and thank you for starting yours!

  33. Rituals work primarily on law of vibration, so in essence what you were sending out was I want a lady who has x,y,z qualities. So any spirit who fits that bill will answer, from any race. Thats why wording is so important it acts like a focusing tool.
    Most races get along with one another, the one exception is usually a slaugh demon (they tend to recruit) they have a common interest, you!
    Ive met your lady's your a lucky man, the two nymphs are very light and playful, your succubus is a bit heavier and a bit more lustier, you'll be fine they will look after you and they get along fine.
    With the blogs I think it is important that people learn the truth about the spirit world and also they act as a resource for people who start this path

  34. Thank you very much!

  35. You're more than welcome, enjoy them

  36. dearsuccubusdiaryMay 23, 2018 at 7:19 PM

    Good! Been feeling a more "heavy" and persistent sexual energy since last night. I often felt the nymphs? Sexual energy as heavy at times, and what I mean by that is strength in the touch, heavy weight etc, but today is "heavier" and more intense. So intense I probably would have ejaculated (sorry to be graphic), which never happens without my assistance. Didn't know spirits could do that...awesome. Ya know it just occurred to me that your question may have been intended for Rafe, and here I go a ramblin again. Sorry Rafe. Hope all is well ��

  37. It was intended for all of you lol good so shes made an appearance to you then, can you feel the energetic difference between the three?

  38. dearsuccubusdiaryMay 23, 2018 at 7:34 PM

    I think I am sensing this one is different just because of the intensity. Very strong. The others had been ramping it up for the last few weeks, so hard to say that this is someone new, and not the others increasing whatever it is they increase. I know one thing, It's awesome! Other than intensity...i have no idea how to differentiate. I have a feeling my abilities are going to soon.

  39. Great news, now try focusing on one at a time, obviously you can feel their presence but pay attention to you thoughts, feelings etc see if you can feel a difference within yourself

  40. dearsuccubusdiaryMay 24, 2018 at 4:52 PM

    I will try it. Thanks for everything!


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