Tuesday, October 13, 2020



Since the loss of Erin, being without a companion sucks.

I want to do things a different way... a new way.

I don't mistrust succubi as a whole, but Erin definitely left with me feeling used.  Hurt.  Raw.

I don't know what I really, really want.  Is that normal?

Well, regardless, I guess I wanted to try summoning a new way.

The first thing I did was carve the word "succubus" in a candle and burn it along with incense.  After that I would meditate each night right after.

I did that for around 3 days.  I haven't given up yet, I just moved to a few other things.

You know me.

I petitioned the Olympic Spirit Hagith.

I decided that if there was any way to summon a nymph like companion, Hagith had one.

I petitioned her yesterday, and last night I had a strange dream.

I'm not sure of the meaning, but I suppose it means I made contact.

But... no lover :(  

Anyway, I also have a vessel from Creepy Hollows on the way with a succubus in it.  Or with it.  Or attached to it.  Something or other. 

Now I've got touches in my hair and on my fingers... definitely suspicious...

I still feel like Lilith is a little mad at me so I've been doing things that wouldn't bother her.

Oh, I wanted to mention a new succubus blog ran by a friend that I met on the discord server listed at the bottom right of any of my posts.  He has a new succubus relationship, but I assure you his abilities with her far surpass the norm for a couple that hasn't been together for 10 years.  


Rafe GB.


  1. You got something from Creepy Hollows? Everything I've heard about them says to avoid them, but if you're going to them, maybe they're not so bad. Do you have any recommendations of where to go on Creepy Hollows? Like, a particular seller or something, or a particular search term that yields the best results for items?

    1. Hi man :) I don't really know about creepy hollows yet. I decided on a whim to get a succubus vessel on a buddy's recommendation. I figure why not, it's a little under $10.00 shipped to try her out. Order is still being processed at the moment. I just wanted to try something different for once.

      I didn't answer your questions did I. https://shop.creepyhollows.com/custom-conjure-succubus-spirit.html Class 4, I chose a vessel that doesn't cost any extra money, 1st class mail.

      As for whether this works or not I won't know until I get her and see what she's all about.

    2. Sorry for asking, but what exactly is a vessel and how does it look like?
      I have been looking but I couldn't get a picture of it.
      I am very curious because I have also problems with my succubus....

    3. Hi ffroy. A vessel is something that a spirit is bound to if you order a bound spirit from Creepy Hollows. Hope that helps.

    4. Thank you Rafe,I still don't know what it is .
      I don't want to order a succubus but I just want a better relationship with her.
      We have been together for 6 years now,and now she is gone. I still feel something every night but it feels like she's gone.
      In all those 6 years I never really could communicate with her but it was good.
      The sex was very good but it became less and less and now nothing at all anymore.
      I just want to that it's good again as before.
      Also I cannot talk to anyone ,just here.
      Your situation with Erin remind me to my own situation. I experienced similar things., and I wonder was I wrong the whole time like you?
      I don't know, I'm not sure of everything right now.
      If you have any thoughts about this then I'm glad to hear them.
      Thanks in advance, regards Roy

    5. It sounds like she's leaving. It breaks my heart to tell you that, but I've lost my share of succubi and it follows that pattern.

      All I can suggest is to summon again and see what happens.

      Sorry ffroy.

    6. Well that's the point, I never summoned her. Actually I had never heard about this.
      I started on my way home from work 6 years ago, I felt touched and it felt really good.
      The same night I felt it again in my bed, then I searched on the internet and found pages like yours.
      And the strange thing is , last night we had sex again :)
      Very strange and now I'm not sure who it was. But it was good.

    7. Hmm, that's interesting. I guess you'll figure it out in time :)

  2. Why Class 4 and not a higher class?

    1. I don't know much about it yet, but I can answer that. My buddy has a class 4 and she fucks him to death. So, I got exactly what he got in the hope that it all works out the same.

    2. I see. Well, since I'm looking for the same treatment, I suppose I should look at Class 4 as well.

    3. Please realize this is a biiiiiig gamble for me as I heard bad things about CH too. But, I can't dismiss what my buddy is experiencing so whether that's a fluke, or the norm I don't know.

      In other words, I don't know anything about what I'm getting into. But I figured for under $10.00 it was worth a shot :)


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