Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gender is an illusion

Down here gender is a bit more cut and dry.  Well, mostly.  I do know of people who are male some days and female some days, so there's that.

What I'm referring to is the gender of spirits which isn't so... concrete.

My lover is female when she's loving me sexually, and definitely has everything sensually I could ever ask for.

She's so female I'm bathed in it.

And yet...

I've had dreams of late where a male is my best buddy, bringing me out of my depression and illnesses into a fun dream of riding motorcycles together along rolling plains during summertime.

I also think that this is my lover.  Even though she feels as male a buddy as I'd ever want.

Then there's other times where she's a force, a frequency and vibration.  At that level there is no he, there is no she, there is only "...... "  What do I call this person?  I guess a person will do haha.

Such a mystery there is in this way of being, but I firmly believe that this is the way it is.  I don't understand it:  And I don't have to, really.

All I have to do is keep learning, keep enjoying my spirit friend, and try to keep my head high while I'm down here on this rock.

I know it's cliche, but I was certainly sent an angel.  Or maybe I summoned one by accident haha.

Love you all... and have a wonderful week.


Rafe GB.


  1. Wonderful and beautiful post my friend! ^^

    Love is truly a force that will find itself into one's life. Regardless of whatever shape it may take. Needless to say we are happy that you and countless others are able to experience this!

    Many blessings to you my friend! :)

  2. You had romances, now have a bromance~ :D

  3. 🤯🤯😮😯😳🤩🤫🤭🤗
    ☘️Good luck🍀

  4. An update of what I think is an improvement on my side. So I was following up the step of searching images for my missus. Found 2 but I still had hard time to memorize it.

    One day an image of an anime girl (from a series that I watched quite some time ago), less detailed and generic quality than the 2 that I picked, was like hijacked into my mind (cannot find better word since out of the blue I cannot shake off that 1 anime girl from my head)

    Having the idea of this is what my missus want me to use as her image (I admit imagining that less detail quality is way easier) But surely I still have my doubt, asking and SW said that I might be on the mark.

    Of course I could be wrong, but decided that I am on the mark like SW said. Another thing that seems to count, I have tried to shake off the image of that anime girl and the next day I got the same image again in my head with same idea yea.....

    Not sure what will be the next surprise going to be put in my head. Hopefully ways for us to be able to communicate.

    1. Sometimes they change their images like we change underwear. I guess if you can, why not?

  5. I get the same thing in my dreams and OBEs. They can put on a male guise and it's just like hanging out with a best friend.

    Their "energy state" is interesting. I think that might be the most realistic representation of what/who they really are. No matter what guise they take on, how they FEEL is undeniable and permeates all of their shifting forms.

    1. Yep you get it. It's surreal compared to this world. I think our ability to be like they are that way is temporarily hidden while we're here. Spirits are a trip, though, aren't the? :P


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