Monday, December 14, 2020

Erin the Enigma

I've been thinking a lot lately.  The nightmares of past trauma are getting old and worrisome.  I told Erin about this.  Actually I wanted some balance.  I said I want pussy.

I fell asleep that night and in my dreams Erin was there.  She made out with me and she rubbed me in all the right places.  I honestly think that either I have the most prudish succubus, or I have one that is afraid to hurt me like last time.  You know, the 12 hours of dream sex and waking up to a world of grey reality that fucked me up, yadda yadda yadda.

I think she's playing for keeps after I've pondered it a while.  She's trying to get rid of all the trauma that causes me to get so depressed after a long marathon of sex and having to operate in the world that I exist and have to live in afterwards.  

Then she can pound me until oblivion and I'll be okay.  At least that's the narrative that I see going forward.

She's just afraid to hurt me again, that's all.

I've gotten over the idea that she's trying to feed off of me for her own gain, nor that she is feeding off of my misery.  No, I feel that she is playing for keeps and playing the game long term.

The big question is this:  Should I be worried?  What is long term to a succubus?

I find that all of my preconceptions of succubi, as well as my interactions with various succubi fall short.

It was always the same old pattern.  I thought Erin was hurting me, I'd summon another succubus and she'd last a week before Erin got rid of her and chased her off.

Erin is quite the enigma for a succubus.  Quite the enigma indeed.

In many ways she's very much like her mother.  She's not one for words, she just does.  She doesn't ask permission:  She just does.

Very interesting.


Rafe GB.


  1. I can see what you mean Rafe. Nobody knows better than you I always say. No one is gonna have the full scoop like you do. From the outside looking in, it may look bad to others. When the reverse applies, you just think "WTF is wrong you folks" haha xD


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