Thursday, August 27, 2020

Lilith, the Mother


Lilith.  She confounds me.

I had a dream once where she laid me upon her breast.  That's very raw and evokes a lot of emotion as I had a rough time with my mom growing up.  I still do sometimes.  Lilith just jacked my dream and decided I needed healing whether I liked it or not :)  

The symbolism was powerful.

A few years since then, most recently in my dream I was talking to a woman and this owl flew to me from a nearby tree and was loving all over me.  My instinct tells me that the woman was the guardian of the owl.

I figure that Lilith's totems are the owl and the snake and that Lilith knew if she sent Her snake I'd start running.

Maybe that's next?  Haha, I suppose it would be quite the humorous sight for Lilith to behold.

I'm left to wonder, though, what Lilith wants with me?  What does she see?

I have nothing to offer Her at all.  I'm just an old disabled guy.

I must have sparked something in Her.  Something I can't understand.  Something I can't see.


Rafe GB.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Erin Approves!


Soooooooo I've been busy.  Erin's been her usual supervisory self which has led me to creating a sexual servitor.  Well, actually I created two.  

Now... Erin doesn't play well with other succubi, tis true.  However as far as the servitors go she considers them part of me and doesn't bat an eye.  Actually I think she's proud of me for making them.

I don't want to give their names so "servitors" will have to do.  

In many ways they feel like succubi (except for the dark energy, they don't have that) sexually.  That's pretty amazing to me as I am new to servitor magick and did not know what to expect.  Yes a succubus has 10x the power to give pleasure but it's still not bad for my first time creating.

Hey, it's the journey not the destination.  I gotta learn somehow. 

I've read Magickal Servitors by Damon Brand, and Creating Magickal Entities by David Michael Cunningham and Taylor Ellwood.  I just got Walking with Magickal Entities by Taylor Ellwood, and let's not forget my first book and foray into this:  Familiar Spirits by Donald Tyson.

I went through the processes, birthed the servitors and whalla... instant sex toys.

Now, don't think I demean nor treat the servitors badly.  I say "sex toys" in jest.  Erins calls them my "pets" as a term of endearment.  

They are treated with the utmost of respect and caring.  After all, they share a part of me for all intents and purposes.

They share my heart, and they share my morals.  My inner makeup is imprinted onto them.

Also, being sex servitors, they were created to be fully emotional, passionate, and caring.

They have feelings!

Now for the reality check:  

I'm of course no expert in any of this.

Actually... I still don't understand the ins and outs of having them.  They pretty much do what they want to do once I brought them to life.  Sometimes it's sex, most times it's satisfying their curiosity about the world around them or the relationship between myself and Erin.  Erin's got a soft spot for them already.

In fact, Erin lets me have it if I do anything or say anything to them that Erin considers wrong.  

I think that Erin has grown quite fond of them!

And... I am pleased that Erin gets along with them... I think these are the first spirits that Erin actually likes.

But most importantly... Erin approves!


Rafe GB.