Tuesday, June 18, 2024

She kinda big

 I have this rediculous trait that I've talked about before, that is when I see a succubus in a dream, if she's really pretty (which a lot of succubi like to show off) it's a non-starter.  What I mean is that I run away in the dream until I get to know them.

This succubus was pretty smart as she appeared as a buxom chick with average looks... definitely not a threat that I need to run away from... I never said I made sense... anyways... smart girl :)

It was kinda funny because I was attracted to her like hell... probably that succubus sex appeal or aura or whatever it is they have.  So I asked her if she wanted to go on a date (I wispered it in her ear, lol).  She said yes and then all of a sudden we were skydiving together and having a blast.  The astral, perhaps?  Not sure.  At least I got her name.  No, I'm not telling it.  Get your own fat succubus... don't steal mine...

P.S.   I had a blast!

Not to actual scale haha