The adventures post-creation are here. It doesn't take a lot of mental focus to keep a succubus spirit going, but it helps. She's exceeding my expectations every day, day after day. I often wonder just how much she will evolve?
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Growing, growing... everyday!
The adventures post-creation are here. It doesn't take a lot of mental focus to keep a succubus spirit going, but it helps. She's exceeding my expectations every day, day after day. I often wonder just how much she will evolve?
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
I haven't posted much lately and for that I'm sorry. The truth of the matter is that I haven't been able to keep a succubus lover in my life and I've devoted my time to figuring out why that is.
I'm proud to say that my efforts in that regard have born fruit, and I have a happy, healthy, spanking new succubus spirit. She was born of the element of fire.
I'll post more as this relationship develops as I have a feeling that the way that I created her leaves things open to an interesting future.
Good fortune in all your endeavors,
P.S. I know this isn't par for the course as far as is blog is concerned, but I've learned something else in the time that I haven't been posting... while I was thinking about everything in my life.
Oftentimes we get discouraged about our place in life. Maybe we're not as good looking as we want, maybe our jobs are menial and lackluster. The point is this: There are those who are the teachers in this world, and then there's the students. We're tempted to feel as if we are the lowly ones, always looking up to those who have more.
The truth is that we're the teachers. We teach humility, patience, respect, love, and so many other beneficient things.
I hope that this helps someone out there.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
She Howls
She came over me like a hurricane... I was like what the hell??? The winds were blowing all around me and through me (astral winds?), carrying her howling and moaning voice all through each buffeting that crashed over me. I have to admit, although beautiful and pleasurable in hindsight, I was a little afraid as I have never experienced anything so powerful in my life.
Still... I think on this and I can't help but smile and even chuckle a little at the experience. I remember yelling "don't stop!!!" in the middle of it even though I was a little scared, hahaha. What other people don't know and all that... if only they knew what some of us experience.
Rafe GB.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
She sings
Friday, July 12, 2024
How does one describe completion?
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
She kinda big
I have this rediculous trait that I've talked about before, that is when I see a succubus in a dream, if she's really pretty (which a lot of succubi like to show off) it's a non-starter. What I mean is that I run away in the dream until I get to know them.
This succubus was pretty smart as she appeared as a buxom chick with average looks... definitely not a threat that I need to run away from... I never said I made sense... anyways... smart girl :)
It was kinda funny because I was attracted to her like hell... probably that succubus sex appeal or aura or whatever it is they have. So I asked her if she wanted to go on a date (I wispered it in her ear, lol). She said yes and then all of a sudden we were skydiving together and having a blast. The astral, perhaps? Not sure. At least I got her name. No, I'm not telling it. Get your own fat succubus... don't steal mine...
Friday, March 29, 2024
My Esbat Ritual
For full moon, new moon rituals, this is the esbat ritual that i use
Things needed:
altar, altar cloth
a cookie or cracker
a small cup of juice
stick incense that you enjoy
stick incense holder or a cup filled with sand, a lighter
earth pentacle tile - left side - for balance
cauldron - left side - for balance
bell - center
silver candle - left, gold candle - right, white candle - center
can use all white candles if needed
candle snuffer - center
wand - right
athame - right
cup of water - center or left
cup of sea salt - center or left
chalice - center or left
red wine or whatever you prefer
altar cloth
goddess statue - left, god statue - right, if have. if not that's ok the silver and gold candle will do
fresh flowers - center
fill the chalice with red wine or whatever you prefer
light the incense
ring the bell
facing north, using the athame or the wand, imagine a bluish white light beaming, exiting the tip and trace a circle from north to east to south to west to north, closing the circle
"the circle is cast"
strengthening the circle
place some sea salt from one cup. "bless this creature of earth", to the cup of water "bless this creature of water," put your fingers in the cup of water and flick droplets around the circle from north to east to south to west to north again. imagine the droplets further strengthening the circle and your rite (earth, water), return the cup to it's place on the altar
take up and walk with the burning incense from north to east to south to west to north again, imagine the smoke "bless this creature of fire," mixing with air, "bless this creature of air" strengthening the circle and your rite (air,fire), return the incense to it's place on the altar
call the quarters.
facing north, "i call those of the watchtower of the north and of earth, gnomes, guard my rite and myself."
facing south, "i call those of the watchtower of the south and of fire, salamanders guard my rite and myself."
eat the cookie or cracker from your altar, "may I never hunger"
drink the small cup of juice, "may I never thirst"
I now call my sacred ancestors to attend, guard, and guide my rite
For those ancestors of heart and blood and place
Who are well in spirit and intention.
Enter and partake of this light
light the center white candle
I now call the lord to attend, guard, and guide my rite
invocation example:
Horned God Invocation,
Awake from thy sleep and rise to greet me.
I await thy coming in the dark of night.
Show thyself to me.
Step out of the shadows that separate light and dark.
I call thee forth from the bowels of the earth.
I call thee forth with horn and hoof.
Come out.
Push through.
Come to me now without delay.
Stand strong and solid,
as hard as rock.
Like the walls of a fortress surround me.
No man can stand before thee,
Lord of Life and Lord of Death.
Hold me.
Keep me.
Forever, today, tomorrow.
Come to me smelling of deep forests,
smelling of fern and rain,
smelling of fire.
Arise to greet me, O Great God.
Fill my heart with fire,
with the sound of a brave heart
that beats with the sound of cannons.
Oh Dark God, hear and appear!
light the gold candle
I now call the lady to attend, guard, and guide my rite
invocation example:
invocation of the star goddess
the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,
whose body encircles the universe:
I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white (or dark) moon
among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.
For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.
From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices,
for behold-- all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion,
honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Me,
know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery:
for if that which you seek,
you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been there with you from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.
light the silver candle
perform the great rite by slowly taking the athame and pointing it upside down towards the chalice
now dip the tip of the blade down into the red wine in the chalice
upon doing this, imagine the lord and lady in intimate embrace
they are united for your sake
drink deeply, drain the chalice
meditate on their presence and know that they have heard you
thank the lady for attending, "merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"
snuff out the silver candle, farewell
thank the lord for attending, "merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"
snuff out the gold candle, farewell
thank your sacred ancestors for attending, "merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"
snuff out the white candle, farewell
snuff out the stick incense
using the athame or wand as before, imagine a blue white beam travelling UP from the circle and back into the athame or wand. imagine this from north to west to south to east to north again
"the circle is down but never broken"
ring the bell
once you do it a few times, try switching to completely performing the ritual in your mind only. i've found that i still receive the "peace of the goddess" as i call it whichever way i do it. when i do it in my mind i don't use the invocations i just imagine the entities arriving without them
Rafe GB