Wednesday, February 12, 2025


I haven't posted much lately and for that I'm sorry.  The truth of the matter is that I haven't been able to keep a succubus lover in my life and I've devoted my time to figuring out why that is.

The conclusion I've come to, and that is among the general concensus of peers, is that I have a very protective spirit, possibly an angel, who chases them off.

I prayed and prayed for a spirit lover thinking that if they came from a heavenly source the angel would give it's blessing and leave her alone.

No.  That was to no avail.  And this angel isn't open to either listening to me nor orders to stop doing what it's doing.

I then turned my attention to tulpas and servitors, thinking that if she came from within me that she would be left alone.

That seems to have been the key to it.

I'm proud to say that my efforts in that regard have born fruit, and I have a happy, healthy, spanking new succubus spirit who actually has chakric sex with me.  I was suprised, actually.  I didn't expect to experience the same kind of sex that I was having with an actual succubus.  I guess she learns fast.

I'll post more as this relationship develops as I have a feeling that the way that I created her leaves things open to an interesting future.

Good fortune in all your endeavors,


Rafe GB.

The evolution of a male's feminine subconscious archetype.  She starts out wild when we are young. She's wounded.  She heals and transforms with us as we grow wiser.  She's what every man secretly yearns for... and she's always just behind the curtain... a curtain we can part if we dare...


P.S.  I know this isn't par for the course as far as is blog is concerned, but I've learned something else in the time that I haven't been posting... while I was thinking about everything in my life.

Oftentimes we get discouraged about our place in life.  Maybe we're not as good looking as we want, maybe our jobs are menial and lackluster.  The point is this:  There are those who are the teachers in this world, and then there's the students.  We're tempted to feel as if we are the lowly ones, always looking up to those who have more.

The truth is that we're the teachers.  We teach humility, respect, love, and so many other beneficient things.  Yes, we are the teachers and those who have more in what ever capacity are the students.

Look at a downs child.  Now think of all of their interactions with all of us each and every day.  They are the blessed ones.  They are the teachers of all of us.  I hope this helps someone out there.

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