Thursday, August 27, 2020

Lilith, the Mother


Lilith.  She confounds me.

I had a dream once where she laid me upon her breast.  That's very raw and evokes a lot of emotion as I had a rough time with my mom growing up.  I still do sometimes.  Lilith just jacked my dream and decided I needed healing whether I liked it or not :)  

The symbolism was powerful.

A few years since then, most recently in my dream I was talking to a woman and this owl flew to me from a nearby tree and was loving all over me.  My instinct tells me that the woman was the guardian of the owl.

I figure that Lilith's totems are the owl and the snake and that Lilith knew if she sent Her snake I'd start running.

Maybe that's next?  Haha, I suppose it would be quite the humorous sight for Lilith to behold.

I'm left to wonder, though, what Lilith wants with me?  What does she see?

I have nothing to offer Her at all.  I'm just an old disabled guy.

I must have sparked something in Her.  Something I can't understand.  Something I can't see.


Rafe GB.


  1. I envy your experience with Lilith. I really wish something like that could happen for me.

  2. Very interesting, I had a dream over 2 years ago with an owl in it. Somehow I knew that it was linked to Lilith, or at least at the time it felt like it.

    I was going through some depression back then and there was a big owl in my dream comforting me. A sort of motherly love is what it felt like. I still remember the dream pretty well and also what the owl looked like.

    Also hi again, been away for so long from commenting here and even reading your posts. Still as enjoyable as always :)


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